Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Will and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The above is a picture of me when I went to Melbourne, Australia.
My trip to Melbourne was fully sponsored by BE International through the BE Lifestyle Travel sales campaign that my wife and I qualified and got 2 tickets.
Free international travel twice a year is one of the many benefits when you are building a business by partnering with BE International.
What is our story with BE?
One of the most popular product is the Aulora Series with Kodenshi far infrared ray (FIR) garment imported from Japan.
The Aulora Series consist of the:
- Aulora Pants (Women & Men)
- Aulora Socks (Women & Men)
- Aulora Basic Top (T-shirt)
- Aulora Panties
- Aulora Boxer
- Aulora Arm Sleeves
- Aulora Scarf
- Aulora Seamless Bra
Our introduction to BE began back in December 2017 through the Aulora Pants.
It was only in March 2018 that we’ve decided to be serious in building a business using the business opportunity provided by BE.
As of today, our BE business is now our full time career.
Check out the video below highlighting the BE International seamless business opportunity.
Free travel
Do you like to travel?
If you do, you will love the BE Lifestyle Travel Campaign offered by BE International.

BE a World Traveller Campaign is an incentive program held twice in a year.
In the following section, I will share some of the highlight pictures that I took during my trip Melbourne, Australia.

The plan was to have my father-in-law and I to go on the trip because it was a school week and my wife had to stay home to take care of our daughters.
Unfortunately, my father-in-law could not get a travel visa to Australia at the very last minute and had to forgo the trip.
Luckily, BE International compensated us with a Product Redeem Vouchers (PRV).

Above is a picture of me taken with 2 of BE International founders, Ir Lee Suet Sen and Ho Huey Chuin at Melbourne airport.
Do you want to go on a fully paid holiday trip overseas twice a year?
If you do, please click on the link below to contact me on WhatsApp and I will share with you how you can qualify for the BE Lifestyle Travel Campaign.
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