Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The above is a picture of me taken when I travelled to Kobe, Japan.
My husband and I are run our own home based business since March 2018.
Both of us are full time in building our business.
In this article, I thought of sharing my personal experience building a home based business in Malaysia.
What prompted me to write this article?

It started when I went on Google and did a search for the term “home based business opportunities Malaysia“.
You can see the screen capture of the search results above.
The search results presented are mainly lists of home based business opportunity available in Malaysia.
If you are a stay at home mother or a stay at home father looking to start a home business, the lists above do not offer much help.
What is more useful is focusing on one or two home business ideas and the step by step instruction on how to make it work.
Proven home based business idea
In this section, I will share my home based business which I’ve started back in March 2018.
The business model that I used is a combination of dropshipping and online marketing.
Yes, these are not new ideas.
The above business model is not new, nonetheless it is working for me.
Dropshipping or Business to Consumer (B2C) business has been proven to be a big and sustainable business model. In a quote published in Focus Malaysia:
THE direct selling industry in Malaysia is booming amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As of September 2020, the industry hit sales of RM17.8 bil, exceeding the RM17 bil of sales recorded in 2019 and is on track to achieve the RM20 bil sales target this year.
The fact is B2C is a big business in Malaysia.
What I am sharing below is how me and my husband made it work for our home business.
Choosing the right business partner
Which B2C company that we decided to partner with?
Choosing the right business partner for your business is already half way to success.

The company that we partnered with is BE International located at Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur.
BE International is a direct to consume company with international branch offices and distribution channels in Singapore, Brunei, Hong Kong and Indonesia.
The reason we’ve decided to partner with BE International is because of its Vision.
Below is BE International Vision Statement.

“We strive to create wellness in every way, for everyone”.
Wellness is defined as a feeling of liberation that brings about health, peace, prosperity, contentment and happiness.
In every way encompasses all aspects of life – physical, mental, spiritual, economic, financial, familial and social.
For everyone means the company’s doors are open to any individual regardless of race, colour, creed, background or belief.
The above Vision Statement is the company’s DNA.
Everything that the company did in the past, present and in the future is to create wellness in every way and for everyone.
We believe in the company’s Vision and that is why me and my husband partnered with BE International.
You can learn more about the company Vision Statement here.
Why BE International?
In this section, I will share 2 reasons why me and my husband decided to partner with BE International to build our home business.
- Unique and high value product.
The BE business opportunity has a large selection of product for the health and wellness market.
However, for our home business, we built it by focusing on only 1 core product which is the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi.
The Aulora Pants is a type of athleisure garment which is able to emit natural far infrared ray (FIR) because the fiber is made with ultra-fine ceramic particles.
The Aulora Pants is BE International top selling product which is imported from Japan and has won numerous awards in Malaysia.

Above is the award won by the Aulora Pants and the other Aulora Series garment from the Malaysia Health and Wellness Brand Awards 2022.
2) Using technology for business operation.
The world has changed with the Covid-19 pandemic.
We are now moving into a new norm whether you like it or not.
With the new norm, businesses will have to transform digitally and start using more technologies in its operation.
As with BE International, the company already planned to be an internet based company from the first day of its inception.
Therefore, the company has invested heavily on its IT infrastructure, web sites and also on its custom made mobile application.
Since 2018, BE International has upgraded its mobile app 3 times and with each upgrade, it added new features and new technologies to make it’s operation smoother and more streamline.
The current version of the mobile app is known as BE4U which is available for its business partners and members to use free of charge.

Above is a screen capture of the BE4U app which can be downloaded from Google Playstore, Apple Appstore and Huawei AppGallery.
In the video below, I’ve shared the reasons why I’ve partnered with BE International.
Target market
If you are planning to start your own home based business, you need to sell a useful, high quality and unique product.
When you’ve partnered with BE International, the product creation challenge has already been taken cared by the company.
Though there are many product available from the company product inventory, all you have to do is focus on the Aulora Series range.
The Aulora Series consist of the:
- Aulora Pants
- Aulora Socks
- Aulora Basic Top (T-shirt)
- Aulora Panties
- Aulora Boxer
- Aulora Scarf or anak tudung
- Aulora Arm Sleeves
- Aulora Seamless Bra
Now that you have your product range, as a home based business owner, you have to figure out WHO is your target market.
A lot of people joined BE International and did very well in the first couple of months.
Because the Aulora Pants is a great product with strong brand awareness, it’s easy for them to share the product with their friends and family members.
In other word, they approached their warm market first.
You can make use of this approach also when you get started.
However, what happens when you’ve ran out of your warm market?
What if you’ve already spoken to all of your friends and family members about your product?
That is when you have to start to approach your cold market because you can’t rely purely on your warm market to build your business.
You have to start to do some market research to identify the Target Market for the Aulora Series.
This is what I noticed from my personal sales data.
Lately a lot of Malay women have been buying the Aulora Pants and the Aulora Socks and bringing the garment with them for their umrah and haj.
Apparently, the Aulora Pants and socks were able to help relieve their tired legs and feet when they are on their umrah and haj.

The Aulora Series garment for the Malay women market is a really big and untapped market.
How do the Aulora Pants and socks benefit women going for their umrah and haj?
Watch the video testimonial below of a user that wore the Aulora Pants and socks when she went for her umrah.
Lead generation strategy
Having the right business partner with a hot selling product means nothing if you are unable to generate leads for your business.
I believe this is where many people failed in running their own home based business.
How me and my husband successfully generated leads for our home business is through internet marketing specifically via blogging.
Again, what we did is nothing new.
What we did was focus on producing consistent and high quality content from our blogging effort.
When you produce good content consistently, you will be rewarded with organic traffic from Google.
We will then communicate with our site visitors using WhatsApp to answer their questions.
Those that are keen to purchase the product only, we will help them to register a member account with BE International.
They can then use the company app to order product from their smartphone.
When their order has been confirmed, the company will deliver to their door step free of charge.
What I’ve explained above is how the drop shipping business model works.
For those that are interested to use BE business opportunity to build their own home business for side income, we will teach them our internet marketing and blogging method.
New business challenges
In this section, I will be truthful to you if you are planning to start a home based business.
You have to keep it mind that you are starting a real business, not a hobby project.
You’re going to be greeted with a great deal of skepticism from your friends and especially from your spouse and family members.
Why you may ask?
Well, their intentions are good…they just want to protect you from disappointment.
Most new businesses fail and we can’t blame them if they don’t believe that you will succeed.
Let me share with you a story.
It is about the humble mouthwash that probably you’ve used before.
It’s Listerine.
An unlikely case study, I know.
But hear me out.
Introduced all the way back in 1879, Listerine was a runaway success.
Nearly a century later though, in the year 1966, Proctor and Gamble introduced Scope, the “good tasting” mouthwash.
It was immediately popular.
For the first time ever, Listerine was in a tough spot, losing market share fast.
They knew that competing with Scope’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP) which is its “good taste” would be a disaster.
So Listerine did something clever.
They counter-attacked with brutal honesty, launching an ad campaign with slogans such as…
“The taste you hate, twice a day.”
“I hate it, but I love it.”

Above is an old ad by Listerine to counter Scope.

Above is an old Listerine magazine advertisement.
Think about it.
Anything that tastes that bad must be REALLY good at killing germs, right?
You can’t touch that logic.
Needless to say, the campaign was a success, and Listerine remains the leading brand all these years later.
So what does this mean for you and your new business?
Well, instead of trying to argue or convince your family members…just be authentic with them.
Be real.
Tell them that you understand what it really takes, not what you think they want to hear.
Slowly but surely, you will gain the confidence and you will have their blessing.
They may also refer leads and prospects to you.
Thank you for reading this article and I hope it was helpful for you.
Have you been searching online on how to start your own home based business?
If you are, please click the link below to contact me on WhatsApp and I will share more with you.
Good morning Lyn
Its Naleen Reddy interested in business opportunities for me to do in South Africa.
Hi Naleen, let’s have a chat on WhatsApp.
Hi Lynn. I’m interested to start my own home business in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Can I know what is the capital needed to get started with BE International?
Hi JiSoo, if you are keen to use the BE business opportunity to start a home based business, I would suggest you register as a member and purchase a pair of Aulora Pants to try it for yourself. You can get started with a capital of less than RM1000.00
Hi Lynn. I am a fulltime mother and housewife. Is it possible for me to do the BE business?
Hi Lisa. Housewife can also be successful in the BE business opportunity. You can check out the story of Christine Chew. She was also a housewife and now one of the top leaders in BE => Christine Chew’s Journey with BE
I appreciate you sharing this blog post. I’ve been following your journey on this blog. Thanks again.
Hi Mariam. Thanks for your comment. Glad that my sharing on this blog has been helpful for you.