How do you buy the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi from Japan by BE International in Indonesia?

Where can I buy the Aulora Kodenshi pants in Indonesia?
In this article, I will answer the questions above.
What is Aulora Pants?
Aulora Pants is a health and wellness compression pants made with a special type of material known as Kodenshi from Japan.
For more information, click the image below to watch the introduction video on YouTube.
To learn more on the science behind Kodenshi, please click on the link below to read the other article published on this blog.
[What Is Kodenshi Fiber And How Does It Work?]
The key benefits of the Aulora Pants are to help improve your body blood circulation and keep your body warm.
This is made possible because the Kodenshi material incorporates ultra-fine ceramic particles in the fiber strands.
The ceramic particles are so fine they cannot be seen with our naked eye.
When you put on a pair of Aulora Pants, the pants material touches your skin and it will absorb your body heat.
When the ultra-fine ceramic particles are heated by your body temperature, they will emit far infrared ray (FIR).
According to Wikipedia, FIR is a type of radiant heat which can penetrate up to almost 4 cm or 1.5 inches beneath our skin.
Therefore, when you are wearing the Aulora Pants the FIR will reach all the way to your joints, muscles and internal organs and you will experience beneficial health effect.
BE International
Firstly, know that the company BE International is a registered direct sales company located at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
BE International has it’s international branch office and distribution channel in Singapore, Brunei and Hong Kong.
In the month of June 2022, BE International Indonesia officially opened for business.
The registered BE International company in Indonesia is PT BEI International Marketing (Co. No. 9120004170023).
BE International being a Malaysia based company with global aspiration is a member of reputable direct selling industry association such as:
- Direct Selling Association of Malaysia (DSAM)
- Direct Selling Association of Singapore (DSAS)
- Indonesian Direct Selling Association (APLI)
- Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA)

The above is an official notice issued by BE International.
Online marketplaces
I have Indonesian visitors to my blog asked me, can they buy the Aulora Pants from online marketplaces such as Blibli, Tokopedia, JD, OLX, Bukalapak, Lazada, Shopee, etc in Indonesia?
If you are located in Indonesia, my recommendation is for you to register as a member of BE International and purchase direct from the company.
If you were to buy the Aulora Pants on 3rd party online marketplaces, you may unknowingly buying a fake, imitation, used or pre-owned product.
BE International has received many complains from the public.
Therefore the company has issued a Solemn Declaration below to warn the public not to purchase any of its product from online marketplaces.

Pants pricing
What is the Aulora Pants selling price in Indonesia?
There are 2 pricing for the Aulora Pants which are the Retail Price (non member) and also Distributor Price (member price).
If you want to know the Aulora Pants retail price in Indonesia, you can check out BE International Indonesia official Aulora Pants Women and Aulora Pants Men product webpage.
What is the Aulora Pants member price in Indonesia?
To know the member pricing, you would have to register as a member of BE International Indonesia.
Member registration
How to register a BE International Indonesia member account?
If you are Indonesia nationality or Indonesia Permanent Resident (PR), you can use the BE4U self service member registration system.
You will need a sponsor or referrer to send to you the member registration link.
After you’ve registered and received your member ID number, you can download the BE4U app to manage your member account.

Above is a screen capture of the BE4U app which you can download for free from Google Playstore, Huawei AppGallery and Apple Appstore.
Before you order the Aulora Pants, you will need to know which pants size is suitable for you.
To do that, you have to take your waist and hip measurements in CM.
Your waist measurement is to be taken at your elbow level.
Next, use the size chart below as a guide.

In side the BE4U app, you can select which Aulora Pants type and size to purchase.
Enter the delivery address within Indonesia and the system will automatically calculate the total amount plus the delivery charges in Indonesia Rupiah (IDR).
To process your order, your payment can be made using your credit card within the app.
If you are located in the following area such as:
- Jakarta
- Surabaya
- Bekasi
- Bandung
- Medan
- Depok
- Tangerang
- Palembang
- Semarang
- Makassar
- South Tangerang
- Batam
- Bandar Lampung
- Bogor
- Pekanbaru
- Padang
- Malang
- Samarinda
- Denpasar
- Tasikmalaya
- Serang
- Balikpapan
- Pontianak
- Banjarmasin
- Jambi
- Cimahi
- Surakarta
- Manado
- Kupang
- Cilegon
- Mataram
- Jayapura
- Bengkulu
- Yogyakarta
- Palu
- Ambon
- Sukabumi
- Kendari
- Cirebon
- Dumai
- Pekalongan
- Palangka Raya
- Binjai
- Kediri
- Sorong
- Tegal
- Pematangsiantar
- Banjarbaru
- Banda Aceh
- Tarakan
- Probolinggo
- Singkawang
- Lubuklinggau
- Tanjungpinang
- Bitung
- Padang Sidempuan
- Pangkalpinang
- Batu
- Pasuruan
- Ternate
- Banjar
- Gorontalo
- Madiun
- Prabumulih
- Salatiga
- Lhokseumawe
- Langsa
- Palopo
- Bontang
- Tanjungbalai
- Tebing Tinggi
- Metro
- Bau-Bau
- Bima
- Parepare
- Blitar
- Pagar Alam
- Payakumbuh
- Gunungsitoli
- Mojokerto
- Kotamobagu
- Magelang
- Bukittinggi
- Tidore
- Tomohon
- Sungai Penuh
- Pariaman
- Subulussalam
- Sibolga
- Tual
- Solok
- Sawahlunto
- Padang Panjang
- Sabang
the above Aulora Pants online buying instruction is also the same.
The only difference is the delivery charges which will be calculated automatically based on the individual location.
Aulora Pants unboxing
What’s inside a brand new box of Aulora Pants with Kodenshi?
If you want to know, you can click on the image below to watch an unboxing video of a new pair of Aulora Pants.
As you can see from the video above, the Aulora Pants women design comes in a blue coloured box.
The Aulora Pants Men design comes in a grey coloured box.
Behind the box cover, there are instructions on the proper way to wear the Aulora Pants in English, Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia language.
The new Aulora Pants will be sealed inside a transparent plastic cover.
Inside the plastic cover, there is a piece of colourful paper separator with instruction on the proper way to wear the Aulora Pants in Japanese language.
The plastic cover will be wrapped with a piece of light white paper.
At the center of the white paper, there is a blue sticker with the Aulora logo.
Inside the plastic cover, you will find the Aulora Pants neatly folded.
At the inside of the pants, you will find 2 pieces of label stitched to the waist seam.
The first label will show the Kodenshi trademark.
The second label is printed the Aulora logo, the pants size, the pants material and the phrase “Made In Japan”.
Thank you for reading this article and I hope it was helpful for you.
If you have any question, click the link below to contact me through WhatsApp and I will assist you.
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