In this article, I will share with you an inspirational multi level marketing (MLM) business success story from Malaysia.
It is a story of a man that has served on the Royal Malaysian Navy.
His name is Chua TK.

Above is a picture of Chua TK and his wife Lee MS.
Which network marketing company that Chua TK partnered with?
The company is BE International.
What is BE International?
BE International is one of the fastest growing direct sales company based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The company also has its international branch offices and distribution channel in other South East Asian countries such as Singapore, Brunei, Hong Kong and Indonesia.
BE International with its global aspiration is a member of reputable direct selling association such as:
- Direct Selling Association of Malaysia (DSAM)
- Direct Selling Association of Singapore (DSAS)
- Indonesian Direct Selling Association (APLI)
Similar to other MLM companies in the world, BE International also has its distributor’s ranking system.
BE International distributor’s rankings are:
- Independent Business Owner (IBO)
- Ambassador
- Sapphire Ambassador
- Ruby Ambassador
- Emerald Ambassador
- Diamond Ambassador
- Crown Ambassador
- Royal Crown Council Ambassador (RCCA)
The highest ranking in the BE business is the Royal Crown Council Ambassador (RCCA).
Now that you know the different ranking in BE International, I want to share with you the story of Chua TK.
What is his ranking with BE International?
Of course, it is RCCA!
Man with many talents
When I first met Chua TK, my first impression of him is a strict, uptight man of few words.
This is not a surprising because he served in the Royal Malaysian Navy.
Apart from that, he holds a 2nd Dan Taekwondo Black Belt.
Chua also has a Master’s Degree in Construction Management.
With all of his achievements above, you can tell he is a very discipline man.
However, Chua did not follow the path into a career in the Royal Malaysian Navy.
Neither did he went into the corporate world of Malaysia.
Instead, he chose a career in the multi level marketing (MLM) industry.
The first time I heard Chua spoke on stage was at a BE Convention in the year 2019 at Setia Alam Convention Centre in Selangor, Malaysia.
Chua spoke fluent Bahasa Malaysia.
He asked, “Mengapa kita belajar dan bekerja bersungguh-sungguh?“
“Why do we study hard?”
He answered, “Kerana kita nak kerjaya yang lebih baik, justeru kehidupan yang lebih baik!”
In English, it means, “Because we want a better career, a better life!”
That was Chua’s aspiration when he began his life after graduation.
Chua could have continue to serve in the Malaysian navy.
He could have become a lecturer or even a Taekwondo coach or instructor.
But why he chose the MLM industry?
Chua actually credit his MLM route to his upline RCCA Chong CA and his wife Tan LE.
They were the couple that opened his mind to the MLM / network marketing business.
After being in the MLM business for more than 20 years, Chua believes MLM is for everyone, regardless of their background and education.
What is Chua’s key to success?
It’s simple, you will be successful in MLM as long as you “believe and keep believing”.
But there is a twist in his journey in MLM.
Chua’s wife, Lee MS was not in favour of the MLM industry initially.
Lee was a graduate from University of Sabah, Malaysia.
However, more than 15 years ago, she became convinced of the potential of network marketing business and since then, she has been working with her husband to grow their team.
They have sailed many stormy seas together.
A career beyond greatness
On 8th of August 2017, marks the most important milestone and turning point in Chua and his wife’s MLM journey.
That was the day BE International was established together with a handful of great leaders who desire to bring a positive and sustainable impact on society.
According to Chua, “It’s not about making life great, it’s about making the world great. BEyond great!”.

Once I heard Chua speaking on a Zoom event, he admits that at the start of his MLM journey, he wanted only financial success due to his deprived upbringing.
But the right MLM platform has taught him not to chase material wealth, but spiritual wealth through having a healthy body and mind, a kind a selfless heart and good values.
According to Chua, there are three types of people:
- The one who believe to see;
- The ones who see to believe;
- The ones who choose not to believe even if they have seen.
Miracles happen to those who have not seen, yet believe.
My personal experience
My career path is very different from Chua TK’s.
I have never serve in the Royal Malaysian Navy and neither have I taken any Taekwondo lessons 🙂
I am just an ordinary housewife.
When I have completed my university studies in Australia, I came back to Malaysia and straight away got a job.
I was a Human Resource (HR) manager and also the personal assistant to the executive director of a stationary manufacturing company in Kuala Lumpur.
However, I resigned from my job when I got married to my husband and became a full time housewife and mother.
After more than 6 years not working, I tried to get back into employment but was unsuccessful due to my 6+ years gap of not working.
Out of desperation, I had to start a home business.
Without having much capital nor business or sales experience, I decided to make use of the business platform offered by BE International.
Back then, I was looking for a solution to help relieve my back ache and leg cramps.
I was told that the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi, the core product from BE International, can help and I decided to give it a try.`
After wearing the Aulora Pants for a week, I found that the pants did help to relieve my back ache and leg cramps.
That gave me confidence to start sharing the Aulora Pants with my friends and family members.
In March 2018, I started to build my network marketing business.

Above is a picture of me working from home building my network marketing business.
As of today, I have achieved the Crown Ambassador ranking with BE International.
My next goal is to achieve the Royal Crown Council Ambassador (RCCA)…just like Chua TK and his wife.
Thank you for reading this article and I hope it was helpful for you.
Before I end, please take some time to read the disclaimer page on this blog.
The write up above is for information and educational purposes only.
If you are not sure, please do further research to find the answer your are looking for.
Are you ready to start your own MLM business journey with BE International?
If you are, click the link below to message me on WhatsApp and I will assist you.
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