How do you know the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi from Japan by BE International is helping you to slim down?

Inside the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi “Healthier Legs Lead To Healthier Body” product catalog, the main benefit claim of the legging is instant slimming without:
- Surgeries
- Weight loss pills
- Control diet
- Exercise
Now that you are wearing the compression pants, how would you know it is actually helping you to slim down?
Firstly, if your goal of wearing the pants is slimming, do not judge the effectiveness of the pants by just monitoring your weight.
According to
It may seem counter-intuitive, but the scale is better at helping you maintain your weight than it is at helping you lose it. The reason? There are important changes happening in your body that the scale can’t measure or detect.
When you are wearing the Aulora Pants, it may be helping you to lose fat but your body fat loss won’t always show up on the weighing scale.
Where it will show up is in your body measurements.
Which part of your body should you measure?

You should be taking weekly measurements of your:
- Belly
- Hip
- Right thigh
- Left thigh
How long should you wear the Aulora Pants per day for slimming purposes?
It is recommended to wear it at least 8 hours per day preferably during day time because that is when your body is actively moving.
How long should you be taking your body measurement?
Wear the Aulora Pants daily for at least 45 days before judging the effectiveness of the pants for slimming.
What should you do if you do not see any changes in your body measurement after 45 days?
My suggestion is, keep on wearing the Aulora Pants and continue taking weekly measurements of your body.
Reason being, different people will have different metabolic rate.
Our metabolic rate depends largely on your age, gender, height and weight.
Therefore, a short middle age woman will have a lower metabolic rate compared to a tall lady in her twenties.
That was the reason why it took my mother more than 90 days of wearing the Aulora Pants daily before she could see any noticeable results.
If you are still not sure if the Aulora Pants will help you to slim down, please read the another article I wrote my blog.
The article is about a scientific study paper on the effectiveness of wearing a FIR garment for slimming. Click the link below to read the article.
[Wearing FIR Garment Effective For Slimming – Results Supported By Scientific Study]
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The content on this blog are for information and educational purposes only.
What worked for others, may or may not work for you. If you are not sure, please do your own further research.
Do you want to know more about the Aulora Pants and how it could help you to slim down?
If you do, please click the link below to contact me on WhatsApp and I will share more with you.
The Aulora Pants have shown promising results in aiding slimming efforts, making them a valuable addition to anyone’s wardrobe!
Hi Irza. Thanks for your comment. I noticed you are one of the writer of a fashion blog. Probably you can share some tips on how to match the Aulora Pants with the clothes in our wardrobe.