Belixz Befil From BE International – Who Should Take Befil?

Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Daddy Will and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Daddy Will at Melbourne

The above is my picture taken when I visited Melbourne, Australia.

My wife and I have been building our network marketing business using the BE International business opportunity since March 2018.

We did quite well in the business.

My trip to Australia was fully sponsored by BE International when we qualified for the BE Lifestyle Travel campaign.

BE Lifestyle Travel campaign is a sales campaign held twice a year where the qualifier can get to travel overseas free of charge!

This is one of the many benefits of building the BE business.

In the BE business, one of the top selling item is the functional food product known as Belixz Befil imported from USA.

Belixz Befil for heart health

In this article, I thought of sharing who should take Belixz Befil.

Before you read further, as a disclaimer, I do not have any medical background.

The reason I wrote this article is to share my knowledge and personal experience taking Befil.

Some of the information on this article, I got it from my online research and reading from trusted and reputable web pages.

I will include links to my information sources for your reference.

If you have any serious illnesses, please consult with a medical doctors to get their professional opinion.

The information I am sharing is for learning and educational purposes only.

What is Befil?

Firstly, what is Befil?

Befil is a type of functional food within the Belixz product category from BE International.

The main function of Befil is help to keep our heart and blood vessel healthy by using an active ingredient known as L-arginine.

What is L-arginine?

According to Baptist Health website:

“L-arginine is an amino acid that your body makes. It’s one of the “building blocks” of protein.

The body typically produces all the L-arginine it needs. The substance can also be found in protein-rich foods like red meat, eggs, poultry, fish, and dairy products.”

As per Baptist Health website, some of the benefits of L- arginine are:

  • Better heart health
  • Improved immune system response
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Enhanced exercise performance
  • Reduced erectile dysfunction

According to the Mayo Clinic website, L-arginine supplements may have benefits for people with certain cardiovascular conditions.

For example, it can help people with:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Clogged arteries
  • Angina

Who should take Befil?

Coming back to the question, who should take Belixz Befil?

Befil is actually suitable for all adults.

However, if you are a Malaysian male above the age of 30, it is highly recommended for you to start taking Befil?

The following are the reasons why.

Not too long ago, I read an article published on The Star Online.

The title of the article was “Heart disease is top cause of early deaths in Malaysia”.

You can read the following article here.

Here’s the summary of the article.

Heart disease is the leading cause of premature deaths in Malaysia, accounting for 18.4% of medically certified deaths among those aged 30-69.

Premature deaths are lives that are lost between the ages of 30 and 69, below Malaysia’s average life expectancy of around 75.

A total of 95,266 deaths were recorded in 2022 within this age group, according to data in the Statistics on Causes of Death Malaysia 2023 report.

Based on the data, the number of premature death caused by heart disease for men versus women was 9262 and 2813 respectively.

The number of Malaysian men dying due to heart disease was 3 times higher compared to women!

Why Malaysian men are more prone to have heart disease?

I believe there are many factors.

Nonetheless, if you are a Malaysian men above the age of 30, you should take steps to prevent getting heart disease.

One such prevention step is to take Belixz Befil daily.

Thank you for reading this article and I hope my sharing about Befil was helpful for you.

[3 Steps To Buy Belixz Befil Online Without An Agent]

Before I end this article, please read the disclaimer page on this blog.

The content above are for information and educational purposes only.

If you have any question, click on the link below to message me on WhatsApp and I will assist you.

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By | 2024-09-16T17:08:00+08:00 June 7th, 2024|Sharing|0 Comments

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