Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The above is a picture of me taken when I visited Seoul, South Korea in January 2023.
My husband and I have been building our home based business using the BE International business opportunity since March 2018.
We did quite well in the business.
My trip to South Korea was fully sponsored by BE International when we qualified for the BE Lifestyle Travel campaign.
BE Lifestyle Travel campaign is a sales campaign held twice a year where the qualifier can get to travel overseas free of charge!
This is one of the many benefits building the BE business.
Many people have asked me, “How do you build the BE business?”
In this article, I will share with you the first step in building the business which is to reach the Ambassador ranking.
When a new person that joined my team as a business partner, I will explain to him / her the BE International marketing plan and commission structure.
For those that can see the potential of the BE business opportunity, usually they will get very excited.
However, I will ask them to focus on their first business goal which is to get to the Ambassador ranking.

Above is my picture taken in May 2018 when I reached the Ambassador rank with BE International.
When you reached Ambassador rank with BE, you will be given a pin at the annual BE Legend Recognition event.
Why BE International Ambassador ranking?
Because being an Ambassador is the basis of building a network marketing business with BE.
When you are new, you need to learn how to achieve the Ambassador ranking.
When you know how to do it, you can now start teaching other people how to achieve the Ambassador rank.
That is the basis of network marketing which is duplication.
What do you duplicate in your business?
You duplicate Ambassador.
It is that simple.
What is the criteria to achieve the Ambassador ranking?
The way I teach my team members is to use the express way to reach Ambassador.
The express way to Ambassadorship is to accumulate a pre-determined Sales Value (SV) within a calendar month.
The accumulation of Sales Value is not done by yourself, but done as a team.
It is calculated based on your Personal Group Sale (PGS).
Remember, building a network marketing business is a team effort, not individual effort.
How to achieve Ambassador?
In this section, I will share with you how I became an Ambassador with BE International.
I first signed up as a member of BE International back in November 2017.
However, I decided to seriously build the BE business back in March 2018.
Back then, I was taught to go Ambassador using the express method, which is get it done within 1 calendar month.
Thankfully, me and my husband got it done at the very last day of the month.
I’ve seen some BE International Independent Business Owner (IBO) achieved Ambassadorship within 2 weeks.
Some even got it done within 1 week!
Because back in early 2018 I was only building my BE business part time, therefore I was not able to achieve Ambassador ranking quickly.
Nonetheless, I am grateful that I did.
What did I do to become an Ambassador?
I will share with you the 7 simple steps that I did.
1. Use and experience the products
The first step that I did on your journey to Ambassadorship with BE International was used and experienced the product.
At the beginning, I only tried 2 products from BE International which was the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi and Maqnifiq collagen drink.

The reason I wanted to try the Aulora Pants because I was looking for a solution to relieve my back pain and leg cramps.
The reason I bought the Maqnifiq collagen was to see if taking collagen supplement can help to lessen the wrinkle lines on my face.
I remember I bought 2 pair of the Aulora Pants and 2 boxes of Maqnifiq collagen drink.
After two weeks of wearing the Aulora Pants day and night, my back pain and leg cramps surprising went away.
I also noticed some improvement on the wrinkle lines on my face after consuming the collagen drink.
The positive results from using the product from BE International gave me confidence to share the product with my friends and family member.

2. Study product and business information
The second step that I did was study information related to the Aulora Pants.
Me and my husband started to read on the science related to far infrared ray (FIR) which is the Kodenshi fabric technology.
We also started to read and understand the business aspect such as network marketing and multi level marketing (MLM).
3. Attend meetings
Next, I had to attend all the offline meetings organised by the company.
Back then, the meetings were held at BE International HQ at Glenmarie, Shah Alam.
At the weekly meetings, I learnt about all the other products from BE International and also learnt the system topics for sustainable network building.
During the Movement Control Order (MC) in Malaysia, I attended all the online Zoom meetings and webinars organised by the company.
4. Create name list
Before I achieved my Ambassador ranking, my mentor asked me to prepare a name list of minimum 30 names.
To be honest, it was very hard for me to write the name list because after being a full time housewife for 6 years, I don’t have many friends.
My mentor asked me to first write down all my family members that have health issues and may benefit from wearing the Aulora Pants.
I did exactly what my mentor asked me to do.
5. Sharing
The sharing process was actually quite simple and easy.
All I had to do was share my personal experience wearing the Aulora Pants and also taking the Maqnifiq collagen.
Who I shared the Aulora Pants with?
They were my immediate family members.
My very first customers of the Aulora Pants were my sister-in-laws.
They were looking for a solution to help them to slim down and I recommended them to try the Aulora Pants.
After I’ve approached my family members, I started to approach my close friends.
I’ve started contacting them on WhatsApp and also on Facebook.
6. Follow up and servicing
Next, what I did was to follow up with all my relatives and friends that I’ve approached.
Follow up is actually servicing.
For those that hasn’t bought, I will provide them additional information such as actual user’s testimonies of the Aulora Pants.
For those that bought the Aulora Pants from me, I will provide them customer service and make sure they are wearing the pants properly.
I also checked on them regularly because I wanted to know their progress from wearing the Aulora Pants.
Finally, I asked them to give me referrals so that I can share the benefits of the Aulora Pants with more people.
7. Repeat
The last step I did to achieve my Ambassador ranking is simple.
All I did was repeat Step 1 until Step 6 above.

The above is a picture of me and my husband meeting one of the oldest BE International Ambassador at Head Office at Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur.
His name is Uncle Tan and he is 80+ years old!
If you want to build a network marketing business using the BE International business opportunity, your focus should be on achieving the Ambassador ranking.
After you know how to go Ambassador, you can start teaching your members to go Ambassador as well.
Building a successful network marketing business is all about duplicating Ambassador.
Thank you for reading this article and I hope it was useful for you.
Join our team
Are you thinking of building the BE business?
If you are, having a mentor that has already successfully built the BE business to guide you will help you to start making money and grow your network faster.
This month, my BE business mentor, Cyndy and I are going to start a new team.

Above is a picture of me and Cyndy.
Cyndy and I will provide mentoring, coaching and training for this new team members.
Because we want to provide our full focus on this new team, I will personally sponsor only one new member as my frontline.
If you are interested to be part of our new team, click the link below to apply via WhatsApp.
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