Maqnifiq Collagen Drink By BE International Review

Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mommy Lynn with Maqnifiq

Above is a picture of me with a box of Maqnifiq, a type of collagen supplement drink that I take everyday for my skin health.

In this article, please allow me to share some information on the Belixz Maqnifiq collagen drink and also my personal experience using it.

Firstly, the Belixz Maqnifiq is a type of botanical beverage mix berries with collagen from BE International.

What is Maqnifiq?

It essence, it is a collagen drink that supplies your skin with the essential nutrients and barriers.

These nutrients and barriers allow you to have a stronger foundation of the skin to fight and delay against the aging process.

In the following section, I will share with you the reasons why we need to take collagen supplementation for our skin.

It has to do with 2 very important factors which are aging and sunlight exposure.

Before you read further, as a disclaimer, I do not have any medical background.

The reason I wrote this article is for me to document and record my findings from reading the product catalog and research online.

If you are not sure, please do your own research to find the answer you are looking for.

Can your skin reveal your age?

Can you tell the age of a woman by just looking at her skin?

It is actually quite difficult to tell how old a woman is by looking at her skin.

A woman might be young, however, due to her diet, lifestyle and exposure to sunlight, her skin condition might resemble a middle age women.

As we grow older, our skin’s ability to rejuvenate will gradually decrease.

Meaning, our skin condition is not as good as it used to be.

Unfortunately, this natural symptom of aging is accelerated by our skin exposure to sunlight.

When we combine both aging and sunlight exposure (photo aging), our skin will experience collagen loss, decreasing moisture and inflammation.

These ultimately will lead to sagging, dehydrated, spotty, uneven tone and dull looking skin.

Sunlight exposure

What is the solution for our skin?

The common solution to revitalize skin ravaged by aging and sun exposure is with collagen supplementation.

That’s why you can see so many different brands of collagen drink in the market.

However, taking collagen supplement only is not enough because to fight and delay against the aging process requires a strong foundation of the skin.

What you will need is an ample supplementation of nutrients, water and isolation from harmful UV ray.

This is where Maqnifiq from BE International comes into the picture.

What is Belixz Maqnifiq?

Belixz Maqnifiq is a propriety formulation collagen drink with natural ingredients.

For our Muslim friends, Maqnifiq is a JAKIM halal certified collagen drink.

The product is exclusively made by BE International located in Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur.

The company also has its international branch offices in Singapore, Brunei, Hong Kong and Indonesia.

Many people mistaken it as Magnifiq, but in actual fact, it is spelled as Maqnifiq.

The active ingredients

In the following section, I will share with you the 3 active ingredients of Maqnifiq and why it is unique compared to other collagen drink in the market.

1) Collagen peptide

The first key ingredient is collagen peptide.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a type of protein for building blocks in the body which act as supporting structures, give the skin strength and elasticity.

For Maqnifiq, it uses pure and concentrated level of hydrolysed marine source collagen peptide. The peptide has low molecular weight for better absorption.

Fish swimming in the ocean

The benefits of collagen peptide is to replenish the collagen, providing essential nutrients to rebuild the collagen network to enhance the skin elastin.

One advantage Maqnifiq has compared to other collagen drink is the results are effective.

In other words, it helps to rebuild skin structure, improve firmness and reduce wrinkles.

2) Phytoceramide

The second key ingredient is phytoceramide.

The focus of phytoceramide is all about improving skin hydration and reducing skin dryness.

Firstly, I’ll share with you the importance of ceramide for our skin.

According to

Ceramides are major skin components that help form the “glue” that holds surface cells together.

Depletion of these molecules not only causes skin to wrinkle, but also makes it more susceptible to moisture loss, environmental allergens, skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis.

As for Maqnifiq, its formulation uses patented phytoceramides derived from wheat lipid which can help to restore skin barrier function and securing a healthy hydration mechanism from inside out.

In other words, phytoceramides help to lock in water molecules in our skin and maintaining our skin moisture level.

3) Rosemary & grape fruit extract

The third key ingredient are rosemary and grape fruit extract.

The focus of these two ingredients is skin protection.

The rosemary for Maqnifiq is sourced from Lorca, Spain and it contains high levels or polyphonel.

The grape fruit extract is sourced from Beniel, Spain and it contains high levels of citrus bioflavonoids such as naringenin.

Why the combination of rosemary and grape fruit extract?

In an over 10 years research, it was discovered that with the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, the rosemary and grape fruit extract combination provides protection against sunburn and skin photoaging.

From my research, I found a paper published on US National Library of Medicine title Skin photoprotective and antiageing effects of a combination of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) polyphenols.

You can read the research paper here.

How to use Maqnifiq?

How to use Maqnifiq collagen?

The consume Maqnifiq, all you need to do is dissolve 1 sachet into 100 ml water and stir well.

For a person age 25 – 35, it is recommended to take 1 sachet in the morning and 1 sachet at night.

For someone who is 36 years old and above or people who are always exposed to sunlight, it is recommended to take 2 sachets in the morning and 2 sachets at night.

Personally, I take 2 sachets of Maqnifiq every morning mixed with 1 cup of water at room temperature.

1 box of Maqnifiq has 30 individual sachet and each sachet contains 3000 mg of collagen and 5000 mg of anti-oxidant.

My personal testimony

In the following section, I’ll share my personal experience taking Maqnifiq.

I was first introduced to Maqnifiq collagen back in November 2017.

Back then, I was interested to try out another popular product from BE International which is the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi.

During the meeting, I was recommended to try the collagen drink.

Up until that point, I have never consume collagen drink before.

I was very keen to know what will happen to my skin if I started taking collagen supplement.

I bought 1 box of Belixz Maqnifiq collagen with 30 sachets.

For people who are taking collagen for the first time, it was recommended for me to take 2 sachets in the morning before breakfast and 2 sachets at night.

4 sachets per day seems a lot and I was told it will have a boosting effect.

Taste wise, to be honest, it is quite good.

It is easy to prepare and all I have to do was add water.

The collagen drink has a very fruity flavour.

Since Maqnifiq collagen is derived from marine source, I thought it might have some fishy smell.

Luckily, it didn’t have fishy smell and it smell a lot like citrus due to the grape fruit extract.

What was the effect after consuming the Maqnifiq collagen for 7 days?

Check out my before and after pictures below.

As you can see from the pictures above, the age spots on my face have lighten.

You can also see my fine wrinkles around my eyes disappearing.

My skin tone has also lighten.

All in all, I am quite happy with the results.

Can men consume Maqnifiq collagen?

Yes of course.

My husband is taking 2 sachet of Maqnifiq everyday to keep his skin nice and healthy.

How to buy Maqnifiq?

How to buy the Maqnifiq collagen drink online?

The best option is to register as a member and buy directly from BE International.

When you place your order direct with the company, you will be guaranteed the item you receive is the genuine product.

Check out the article below to learn all the member’s benefits.

[7 Amazing BE International Membership Benefits]

Many have asked me why do they need to register as a member and purchase from BE International when there are other sellers on online marketplaces such as Lazada, Shopee, Qoo10 etc?

The reason is simple, buyer protection.

According to an online report on The Star Online:

“Cases of online fraud is becoming rampant, making up nearly 70% of complaints reported to the Malaysia Computer Emergency Response Team (MyCERT) so far this year.”

The types of online scam ranges from Macau scam, love scam, loan scam, and parcel scam.

So why take the risk?

Have a peace of mind by buying Maqnifiq direct from BE International.

The member registration is available in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Hong Kong (HK) and Indonesia.

The member registration is valid for 1 year.

When you have a member account, you can download the official BE4U app and order Maqnifiq from your smartphone.

BE4U application

Above is a screen capture of the BE4U app which you can download for free from Google Playstore, Huawei AppGallery and Apple Appstore.

When you place your order on the BE4U app, the company will deliver your parcel straight to your doorstep.

Company notice

If you are thinking of getting the genuine Belixz Maqnifiq, I would highly recommend you register as a member of BE International and place your order direct with the company.

I have visitors of this blog asked, “How come there are cheap Maqnifiq collagen on Lazada, Shopee, Mudah, Qoo10 etc?”

Many people do not know that BE International has never authorise anyone to sell its product on 3rd party online marketplaces.

Therefore, if you see a seller on 3rd party online marketplaces, know that these are illegal sellers and whatever BE’s product that they are trying to sell has no product warranty from the company whatsoever.

Worst still, the product they are selling might be fake, counterfeit or imitation and they are just trying to scam your money.

BE International has received many complains in regards to fake / imitation Maqnifiq product offered by illegal sellers and have issued a notice to inform the public below.

Maqnifiq notice

As per the notice above, BE is deeply concerned about counterfeit Belixz Maqnifiq as their quality is highly questionable and the effectiveness is not guaranteed.

Worst of all, these counterfeit products pose a risk to the user’s health!

These counterfeit products are designed to closely resemble the original Maqnifiq packaging with the intent to mislead and confuse consumers.

BE International has made it very clear in the notice, they do not take any responsibility for counterfeit product!

If you buy any of BE product from 3rd party online marketplaces, you are doing it at your own risk.

What other steps have BE taken to protect its consumer?

To protect is consumer, the company has took the initiative to join HKRMA.

Member of HKRMA

As of the year 2023, BE International has joined the Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA).

HKRMA is a notable organisation dedicated to improving industry management standards and encouraging business expansion.

Their vision is to enhance customer experience and industry excellence and maintaining genuine excellence through its No Fake Pledge Scheme partnership.

BE International HKRMA

One of the aim of the No Fake Pledge Scheme is to foster trader pride in dealing with genuine goods.

As an Independent Business Owner of BE International, we will do our utmost to raise our prospect and consumer’s awareness about intellectual property protection.

There you have it, my very comprehensive research and review of Maqnifiq collagen drink.

I hope it was helpful to you.

Before you go, please take some time to read the disclaimer page on this blog.

The content on this blog are for information and educational purposes only.

What worked for others may or may not work for you. Please do your own further research in order to get the answer you are looking for.

If you have any question in regards to the Maqnifiq collagen drink, please click the link below to contact me on my WhatsApp.

Click here for WhatsApp chat

By | 2024-10-16T21:18:47+08:00 October 14th, 2024|Health|12 Comments

About the Author:


  1. Lena 24/04/2021 at 6:39 am - Reply

    Hi Lynn. Can breastfeeding mommies take Maqnifiq? I heard collagen can help to increase breast milk.

    • Lynn 24/04/2021 at 10:00 am - Reply

      Hi Lena. A lot of my blog readers have asked me the same question. Unfortunately, the Maqnifiq collagen drink is not meant for breast feeding mothers.

  2. kiki 13/05/2021 at 10:45 am - Reply

    May i know how is the sugar contents?

    • Lynn 14/05/2021 at 11:17 am - Reply

      Hi Kiki. I looked at Maqnifiq nutrition facts printed on the box. Every sachet of Maqnifiq has 4.0 gram of sugar.

  3. Mervyn 29/05/2021 at 10:02 am - Reply

    Hi Lynn, what do you think of Maqnifiq as compare to kinohimitsu Collagen diamond?
    My 2nd question is do you recommend to consume 2 sachets of Maqnifiq in the morning & 2 sachets at night for best results?

    • Lynn 29/05/2021 at 4:26 pm - Reply

      Hi Mervyn. Personally, I am taking Maqnifiq and I think it is better. Yes, consuming 2 sachets of Maqnifiq in the morning and 2 sachets at night would offer the best results.

  4. Sue 23/07/2021 at 10:58 pm - Reply

    Hi Lynn..

    From the info you shared here in your blogs, it does clearly shown that this collagen drink helps in improving the skin textures and tone. But other than that does this product helps in stronger hair, nails etc.. or perhaps digestive system too?

    Hope u can assist me in this. Thanks.

    • Lynn 24/07/2021 at 10:37 am - Reply

      Hi Sue. Personally, the Maqnifiq collagen drink has helped to improve my skin. But I don’t know if it helped to strengthen my hair and nails though because I did not monitor them. Maqnifiq is not meant for our digestive system. A better option would be the Zencoso Chewable Ball.

  5. Sunil Kumar 26/09/2022 at 8:05 am - Reply

    I love this drink! I’m a collagen drink addict and this is my favorite so far. I love the flavor and the way it makes me feel.

    • Lynn 26/09/2022 at 6:11 pm - Reply

      Hi Sunil, glad that you love the taste of the Maqnifiq collagen.

  6. Tina 27/10/2023 at 5:28 am - Reply

    I’ve been considering trying collagen supplements to improve my skin health, so this review is really helpful! Thanks for sharing your experience with Maqnifiq Collagen Drink By BE International.

    • Lynn 27/10/2023 at 11:16 am - Reply

      You are most welcome. Thank you for your comment.

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