Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The above is my picture taken with the founder of BE International, Ir Lee Suet Sen.
If you didn’t know, my husband and I have been building our network marketing business using the BE International business opportunity since March 2018.
What’s the reason we decided to partner with BE?
One of the reason is the company uses the latest and most innovative technology to run its business.
Are other direct selling, network marketing or MLM companies implementing new technologies?
Some MLM companies have started using online / cloud technologies for their day to day business operation.
One good example is BE International, one of the fastest growing direct selling company located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Please allow me to share with you this story.
Back in 13th June 2020 on exactly 3:13 pm, BE International officially launched its new product, the Zencoso Chewable Ball.
What’s amazing was, the launch was the first of its kind for network marketing companies in the world using Augmented Reality (AR) technology.
What’s even more amazing was that the new product launch was in the midst of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia!
How was the launch event?
If you ask me, I would say it is really amazing!
This is a first time in my life that I’ve seen a MLM company bold enough to spend so much money, time and effort to launch a new product using Augmented Reality (AR) technology in the midst of a Covid-19 global pandemic.
Hat’s off to BE International, you are simply amazing!
The launched event was a done using professional video recording studio quality with live MC and speech from the founder of BE International, Ir Lee Suet Sen.
The launch event was simultaneously broadcast on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
Below are some highlight pictures of the Zencoso Chewable Ball AR launch event.
Ir Lee Suet Sen going through his notes before the launch broadcast going live.
The technical and support team behind the launch.
Zencoso Chewable Ball launch event going live!
Augmented Reality in the rain forest of Brazil.
Ir Lee inside the Augmented Reality private jet flying to Japan.
17,000 km flying across the globe.
Augmented Reality autumn season in Japan.
Augmented Reality spring season in Japan.
Augmented Reality winter season in Japan.
Augmented Reality summer season in Japan.
Combining the ingredients from both Brazil and Japan.
Introducing the new Zencoso Chewable Ball from BE International.
To watch the entire Zencoso Chewable Ball launch event on Facebook, click here.
If you are a seasoned network marketing professional and you are wondering what is so special about BE International, know that it is more than just its marketing plan.
If you are curious, you can read the article below to learn more.
[BE International MLM – BE Is More Than Just The Marketing Plan]
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