BE International Marketing Plan – It Is More Than Just The Plan

Are you currently doing your research on BE International MLM business model?

If you are, probably you’ve came across some information about the company and you are intrigued by its network marketing business opportunity.

Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

My husband and I are Independent Business Owner (IBO) with BE International.

We have been building our multi-level marketing (MLM) business by partnering with BE since March 2018.

Our MLM business is now our full time career.

In this article, I will share with you why my husband and I decided to use BE International business opportunity to build our network.

Why BE?

A lot of people have asked me:

“What is so special about BE International?”

“What is the commission plan like?”

“What is so different about BE International compensation plan?”

In the section below, I will be sharing 6 reasons why the BE business is more than just the marketing plan.

Pillars of Success

If you are currently building a network marketing business, probably you’ve already know that to be successful in the business, it will require more than just your personal effort.

To be successful in MLM, you will need to partner with a strong and stable company and also a team to provide support and guidance for you.

In the BE business, we call those the Pillars of Success.

I will share the 6 pillars that made BE one of the fastest growing network marketing company in South East Asia.

1. The founders’ philosophy

BE International was founded in 2017 by 3 individuals who are highly experienced and successful in the direct sales industry.

The founders of BE or Beyond Eternity are Ir. Lee Suet Sen, Ho Huey Chuin and Karen Leong.

BE International Marketing 3 Founders

Ir. Lee Suet Sen, as a certified engineer, building things has always been a part his life.

In fact, he never imagined that he would one day be building a direct marketing empire.

Starting off as a civil engineer, Lee realised that his passion lay far beyond the industry, which is why he ventured into Multi-level Marketing.

In a short time frame of just two years, he built himself up to achieve his first million in his MLM business.

Similarly, Ho Huey Chuin never thought she would emerge as the youngest millionaire in her previous MLM company.

Neither did she ever expect to become an idol for young entrepreneurs in her current position.

But her clarion call of “If you think you can, you can!” has been proven to inspire people to overcome even the most insurmountable obstacles and break through with flying colours.

Speaking of flying colours, Karen Leong has done nothing but soar throughout her over 40 years in the beauty and then the MLM industry.

She is an iron lady who is the backbone of the company!

Karen has nurtured more than 21 successful business partners to date and continues to drive people to achieve their highest potential.

BE strives to be a business that doesn’t just make business sense, but one that makes an impact on the lives of everyone it touches, now and far into the future.

The company founders believe that creating extraordinary results that last Beyond Eternity begins with crafting authentic relationships with the people and world around you.

Only then can you achieve your dream and sometimes even surpass them.

2. Cutting edge products

When you are building a network marketing business, having the right product in the business is very import because that is where your sales come from.

If you have the wrong product in your business, you will experience a lot of frustration, minimal income and waste a lot of time.

When it comes to market research and choosing the right product for the business, BE International got it right.

I honestly believe all the success of the product from BE was boiled down to the decades of direct sales business experience of the 3 founders.

To have successful product for your business, it has to be unique, high quality, high margin and high repeat sale.

The most successful market for many direct sales companies globally is in the health and wellness niche.

BE International has FOUR top selling products for the health and wellness market such as:

1) Aulora Series with Kodenshi which include the Aulora Pants, Aulora Socks, Aulora Boxer, Aulora Panties, Aulora Basic Top, Aulora Scarf, Aulora Arm Sleeves and Aulora Seamless Bra.

2) Belixz functional food which include Shiruto, Maqnifiq, Befil, Zencoso, Slendezeal, SlendGlow, I-Vxion, Spirulina and Livcore.

3) Beyul skin care series from South Korea which include the Hydrating Foam Cleanser, Hydrating Cleansing Oil, UV Sunscreen SPF50, Intensive Lip Care, Hydro Ampoule, Intensive Spot Cream, Deep Care Moisturising Cream, Moisturising Mask, Moisturising Cream and Moisturising Lotion.

4) Beyang Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) product category which include the Caffe Pre-mix Coffee, Handcrafted Soap Bar, Intimate Foam Wash and Delicate Laundry Wash.

One of the reasons why the products from BE International, in particular the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi are in high demand is because the company implemented the Blue Ocean Strategy.

Blue Ocean Strategy book

What is Blue Ocean Strategy?

Generally, it is when a company created a new market space where there are no equivalent competitors.

When there is a high demand with low or no competitors in the market, it makes building your business utilising BE business and marketing plan so much easier.

When you take advantage of the business opportunity offered by BE International, the products you will be selling will always be high quality, high margin, in high demand and most import is high repeat sale.

3. World seamless & fair marketing plan

This is the area where many people that have tried direct sales are focusing on when they are exploring the BE business.

The BE International uses a unilevel marketing plan which is One world, One account.

BE Ranking

Sponsoring locally and internationally can be done seamlessly.

My husband and I are currently at the Crown-CCA ranking with BE International in Malaysia.

When we go to Singapore, Brunei, Hong Kong or Indonesia to build our network, our ranking will maintain as Crown-CCA at the respective countries.

You do not need to maintain multiple distributor’s account when you want to expand your business in other country.

There is also no drop in ranking with BE International meaning when you’ve achieved a certain ranking in the business, you will remain there indefinitely.

These are the advantages of BE International One world, One account uni-level compensation plan.

4. Simple duplicable system education

When you are building your MLM business, one of the key factors for growth is training and education for your new team members.

When your network is small with only a handful of active members, you can conduct 1-to-1 or small training session.

What if you have thousands of Independent Business Owners (IBO) or downlines spread out in different towns, states and countries?

It will be impossible for you to train all of them by yourself.

Is there a solution?

BE education system

Yes, the solution is the the fourth success pillar of the BE business, which is the simple and duplicable system education.

As you can seen in the chart above, the BE education program starts from basic training for new IBOs up until advance leadership conferences for those at the higher ranking.

All the training classes are conducted offline and also online using Zoom.

The training language are available in English, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia, Mandarin and also Cantonese.

When your business network is growing to other countries, leveraging on BE system education will ensure all of your active members are learning and duplicating proven strategy and methods to grow their business locally and internationally.

5. The BE culture

The next success pillar is the BE culture.

The BE culture is very hard to explain and the only way for you to experience it is to attend one of the company’s function or overseas trips.

There is one word I can use to describe the BE culture and that word is FAMILY.

The people in BE is like one big family.

Below are some pictures taken during company’s event and oversea trips with my BE team members.

Hokkaido, Japan

Above is a picture of BE incentive trip to Hokkaido, Japan.

Dubai Trip 6

Above is a picture of BE incentive trip to Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


Above is a picture taken in the dessert of Dubai with BE founders.

BE International founder

Above is a picture of me with one of BE’s founder, Ir Lee Suet Sen.

My BE Family

Above is a picture taken with my BE team members at a company event.

6. Innovative technology

The last pillar of success of the BE business is the use of innovative technology.

From the first day when the company was set up, BE started to invest into their computer system and bringing online technology into their day to day operation.

The member’s website and the BE4U smartphone application are top notch.

BE International is the first MLM company in the world that uses Electronic Know Your Customer (EKYC) verification process for their new member onboarding.

EKYC is a sophisticated user verification process used by banks, investment firms, financial institution, fintech, e-wallet processors, airline bookings etc.

BE International has implemented EKYC process for new registration in order to provide convenience and a higher level of security for its members.

When an IBO makes a sale, the order can be entered using the BE4U application on the smartphone.

Payment can also be done securely using the app and the company will handle the warehouse stock packing and delivery to their customers.

The BE4U app is capable doing the following processes:

  • New member registration
  • Product ordering
  • Payment using either credit card, debit card or online bank transfer
  • E-wallet function
  • Bonus and commission reporting
  • Product delivery tracking system linked with courier services
  • Product voucher system
  • Customer support system (CSS)
  • IBO / member network analysis
  • Cross border product ordering
  • System reporting notification
  • And many more
BE4U application

Above is a screen capture of the BE4U application which you can download for free from Google Playstore, Huawei AppGallery and Apple Appstore.

Check out the video below highlighting the benefits you can get from the BE business opportunity.

BE International has also implemented Artificial Intelligent Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) called BE GPT as a tool to assist its business partners.

Check out the TikTok video below how we used the BE GPT to generate social media content ideas.

How to use BE-GPT chatbot to generate ideas for social media content related to the product from BE? Check out this step by step instruction. #mommylynn #beinternational #iamfrombeinternational

♬ My Funky Life – Dmitriy Sadovoi

Benefits of BE Opportunity

In this section, I will share with you 5 benefits that you will experience when you use the BE business opportunity to grow your network marketing business.

1) Unique and high value product

First and foremost, the product for your business are unique, high value and most importantly is in high demand.

A very good example of the type of product available from the BE business is the Aulora Set which consists of the Aulora Pants, socks, T-shirt, panties, boxer, scarf, arm sleeves and seamless bra.

Aulora Set

The Aulora Series product are far infrared ray (FIR) emitting garment using the Kodenshi fabric technology from Japan.

It is also a multi-award winning product in the market.

2) Seamless online ordering

As mentioned above, the BE International business opportunity comes with its multi-function app, the BE4U application.

As long as you have WiFi or internet data connection, you can run and manage your business operation anywhere in the world.

3) Speedy fulfilment

When you lock in an order for your customer using the app, your order will be processed and the items packed in the warehouse.

When the items have been packed, a Delivery Order (DO) will be issued.

Next, the courier service will pick up the parcel and issue a tracking number.

All in all, your customer will receive his or her order within 3 – 5 working days when the order has been entered.

4) Social media for customer engagement

BE International social media

Following market trend, BE International is actively engaging with its customers on social media platform such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Spotify etc.

5) Live streaming to create product awareness to drive sales

BE International IBOs are actively live streaming using Zoom, Facebook Live, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok to create brand and product awareness in the market.

This marketing strategy has been very effective because people are spending longer hours on their computer and smartphone.

My journey with BE

How did I got started with BE International?

Back in November 2017, I was shown the BE business marketing plan for the first time.

To be honest, when I first saw the plan, I don’t really understand it.

All the numbers look very confusing to me.

But I did see the potential of the health and wellness compression pants.

The Aulora Pants commission and compensation structure was also very intriguing to me and I was willing to try it.

After wearing the pants for 2 week and I’ve experienced the positive results personally, that gave me some confidence and I’ve started to share the benefits of the pants with my friends and family members.

It was only after 3 months of sharing the Aulora Pants with family, friends and even strangers, I have started to understand the plan.

I didn’t have much success in the first month building the business because I have no idea what I was suppose to do.

The things that I’ve tried didn’t work.

I’ve discussed with my husband and he also gave some ideas.

We’ve tried some of our new ideas, but that didn’t work also.

The breakthrough came after we’ve attended a small training meant for new BE Independent Business Owners (IBO).

Growing our business

The IBO training that I’ve attended was the first Intensive Training 1.0 (IT) back in January 2018.

After the training, things got better and my business started to grow.

More and more people are joining my team.

I can now explain the BE International opportunity better because I truly believe in the business.

While growing my business, I also worked closely with my mentor, Cyndy.

My mentor

Above is a picture of me, my husband and my mentor, Cyndy

I reached the first milestone in the business which is achieving the Ambassador level in March 2018.

In April 2018, we managed to help 2 of our teammates to achieve Ambassador level and we were promoted to Ruby Ambassador.

In July 2018, my husband and I were promoted again to the Diamond Ambassador level because we managed to help 5 of our teammates reached the Ambassador and above level.

We also qualified for the Car Fund and later the House Fund offered by BE.

The Car Fund is a special bonus paid out to qualified IBOs monthly for 4 years while the House Fund is a special bonus paid out monthly for 20 years!

BE Car Fund & House Fund

Above is a picture taken when my husband and I received the Car Fund and House Fund from BE International.

The date 31st October 2020 is a very memorable day for my husband and I.

That was the day the bank approved our mortgage loan and we signed the Offer Letter to buy our Dream Home.

We are very grateful because the BE House Fund has enabled us to buy our Dream Home.

CCA Recognition

In August 2022, my husband and I were recognised as new Crown Council Ambassador (CCA) at the BE Convention at Kuala Lumpur.

In summary

You now know that the growth and success of BE International is more than just the marketing or compensation plan.

The company is truly different from other direct selling company.

BE International’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is its 6 pillars of success.

If you want to be successful building a network marketing business, the company you partner with must have all the 6 pillars mentioned above.

The pillars are essential in order for you to build a large and stable business locally and internationally.

Thank you for reading this article and I hope it was helpful for you.

Before you go, please take some time to read the disclaimer page on this blog.

The content above is for information and education purposes only.

If you have any questions, click the link below to message me on WhatsApp and I will assist you.

Click here for WhatsApp

By | 2024-09-03T14:34:11+08:00 August 17th, 2024|Sharing|6 Comments

About the Author:


  1. Vivienne C 10/12/2020 at 6:54 pm - Reply

    Can I know how much capital do I need to get started in the BE business?

    • Lynn 11/12/2020 at 10:38 am - Reply

      Hi Vivienne. You don’t need a lot of capital to get started with the BE International business. I got started by investing on 2 pairs of the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi for myself and my mother. After I have personally experienced the Aulora Pants, it gave me confidence on the product. After that, I started sharing my story on Facebook 🙂

  2. Pearly L. 18/03/2022 at 9:25 am - Reply

    Hi Lynn. I am a Personal Financial Planner in Malaysia. Are there any insurance agents who are successful in BE?

    • Lynn 18/03/2022 at 9:31 am - Reply

      Hi Pearly. There are insurance agents and financial planners who are successful in BE. I’ve written some of their stories on this blog. The following is the story of an ex-MDRT insurance agent who is one of the top leaders in BE => Insurance agent’s journey with BE

  3. Akil Kotawdekar 27/09/2022 at 8:15 am - Reply

    I love this blog post! It’s so true – a marketing plan is more than just a plan. It’s a roadmap to success. Thanks for sharing your wisdom!

    • Lynn 27/09/2022 at 10:07 am - Reply

      Hi Akil. You are most welcome.

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