Building BE International MLM Business With Lunch Meetings

Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The above is a picture of me and my husband when we visited Osaka, Japan.

My husband and I have been building our network marketing business by partnering with BE International since March 2018 as one of its Independent Business Owner (IBO).

We did quite well in the business.

Our trip to Japan was fully sponsored by BE International when we qualified for the BE Lifestyle Travel campaign.

BE Lifestyle Travel campaign is a sales campaign held twice a year where the qualifier can get to travel overseas free of charge!

This is one of the many benefits building the BE business.

You may be wondering, how did I built my BE International MLM business?

Well, I’ve built my business using a lot of one-to-one lunch meetings.

Meeting prospects

As you can see in the above picture, I am on the right having a meeting during lunch hour with my prospects at a cafe.

Personally, lunch meetings with new prospect and potential business partner have had a profound impact on my business.

I have done many lunch meetings since I joined BE.

There are many ways how you can build a network marketing business and 1-to-1 lunch meeting is just one of the method.

Why do I arrange for lunch meetings to build my BE business?

Well, people are going to eat lunch anyway, why not have them eat lunch while hearing about BE product and business opportunity?

Another reason why I chose meeting during lunch is the convenience for the people I want to meet.

Most of the new prospect and potential business partner are normal working class adults.

Sometime, they don’t have much time to meet after their working hours.

Therefore, I will make it convenient for them by meeting during their lunch break.

As an added benefit, when I have a lunch meeting, sometime my prospect will bring along a friend to have lunch together.

This is great because it gives me an opportunity to meet with more people.

What type of place do I usually meet my prospect or potential business partner for lunch?

It can be anywhere.

I have had lunch meetings as a restaurant, cafe, food court and even mamak stall.

The ideal location is a place that is not too crowded and not too noisy.

Here’s another reason why I like to conduct lunch meeting in cafe.

After I’ve met with my prospect, I will take the opportunity to meet with the cafe business owner.

Since I am a customer of the cafe, the business owner will make time to talk to me.

Usually, the cafe owner will ask me how was the food.

I will give him or her my sincere feedback about the food and environment of the cafe.

I will tell the cafe owner that I liked the place and will come again in the future and then proceed to ask for his or her contact number.

Sometime, the cafe owner will ask me what I do.

I will share with the care owner some info about my business and we will exchange business card.

Mommy Lynn cafe

Above is a picture of me talking to a cafe business owner after I had lunch meeting with a prospect.

If you are thinking of building the BE business, you may be wondering when you should start conducting lunch meetings.

Well, that will depend on your situation.

My advise is, talk to your sponsor or mentor and get his or her feedback.

Your BE mentor or coach will be able to guide you.

Company notice

Whenever someone is keen on the BE business opportunity, I will always ask them to try the product from the company.

To buy any of the product, I will ask them to register as a member of BE International and place their order direct with the company.

I have visitors of this blog asked, “How come there are cheap BE products on Lazada, Shopee, Mudah, Qoo10 etc?”

Many people do not know that BE International has never authorise anyone to sell its product on 3rd party online marketplaces.

Therefore, if you see a seller on 3rd party online marketplaces, know that these are illegal sellers and whatever BE’s product that they are trying to sell has no product warranty from the company whatsoever.

Worst still, the product they are selling might be fake, counterfeit or imitation and they are just trying to scam your money.

BE International has received many complains in regards to fake / imitation product offered by illegal sellers and have issued a notice to inform the public below.

BE Instruction

As per the notice above, BE is deeply concerned about counterfeit products as their quality is highly questionable and the effectiveness is not guaranteed.

Worst of all, these counterfeit products pose a risk to the user’s health!

These counterfeit products are designed to closely resemble the original product packaging with the intent to mislead and confuse consumers.

BE International has made it very clear in the notice, they do not take any responsibility for counterfeit product!

If you buy any of BE product from 3rd party online marketplaces, you are doing it at your own risk.

What other steps have BE taken to protect its consumer?

To protect is consumer, the company has took the initiative to join HKRMA.

Member of HKRMA

BE International currently has its offices and distribution channel located in:

  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Brunei
  • Hong Kong
  • Indonesia

As of the year 2023, BE International has joined the Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA).

HKRMA is a notable organisation dedicated to improving industry management standards and encouraging business expansion.

Their vision is to enhance customer experience and industry excellence and maintaining genuine excellence through its No Fake Pledge Scheme partnership.

BE International HKRMA

One of the aim of the No Fake Pledge Scheme is to foster trader pride in dealing with genuine goods.

As an Independent Business Owner of BE International, we will do our utmost to raise our prospect and consumer’s awareness about intellectual property protection.

Alright, that’s all for my sharing in this article.

Thank you for reading this post and I hope it was helpful for you.

Do you want to know more on the BE International network marketing business opportunity?

If you do, please click the link below to contact me through WhatsApp and I will share more with you.

Click here for WhatsApp

By | 2024-11-01T21:18:25+08:00 October 31st, 2024|Sharing|0 Comments

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