Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Above is a picture of me.
In this article, I will be sharing some info on how by wearing the Aulora Socks with Kodenshi from Japan by BE International can help women who are pregnant?
Before I proceed, a quick note of disclaimer.
I am not a medical doctor.
The information I am sharing on this article is based on my online research and reading from reputable and trusted web pages.
I will leave hyperlinks to the web pages of my information sources for your reference.
If you are not sure, please do your own further reading and research.
This article is for educational purposes only.
If you have health issues caused by serious illnesses, I would strongly advise you see a medical doctor.
In the following section, I thought of sharing what I’ve learnt about maternity compression socks from my research online.
What are the benefits of compression stockings for women?
Why it is recommended for pregnant ladies to wear compression support stockings?
This is because of the changes on your hormones and the growing child-bearing uterus would have effects on your veins.
According to
30 percent of women pregnant for the first time and 55 percent of women who have had two or more full-term pregnancies develop varicose veins. Consequently, many experience common symptoms such as heavy, tired, aching legs and swollen feet and ankles.
When a women is pregnant, spider veins and varicose veins tend to get worst.
Your veins may become painful, warm and turn purple colour.
You will also experience painful leg cramps more often.
The solution to overcome leg pain and varicose veins is with wearing support or blood circulation socks.
Compression therapy
To reduce spider veins, varicose veins and leg cramps for pregnant women, you can try using compression therapy on your feet.
What is feet compression therapy?
According to the Cleveland Clinic website:
“Compression therapy is a common treatment to help improve blood flow in your lower legs. It usually involves the use of elastic stockings or wraps.
The elastic provides compression on your legs, ankles and feet. This helps prevent blood from pooling and fluid from building up in these areas.”
For a pregnant woman, you can use compression therapy through the usage of compression stockings.
However, not all pressure stockings or socks are the same.
For pregnant women, you should look for compression stockings which have different level of compression pressure around your ankle, calf and thigh.
The compression pressure around your leg is measured in millimeter of mercury (mmHg) or hecto Pascals (hPa).
1 mmHg = 1.33 hPa.
If you don’t understand what the scientific measurement means, don’t worry.
All you have to know is, the stocking has to be tightest around your ankle, a bit loose around your calf and comfortable around your thigh.
The effect of the different level of compression on your leg is to assist blood flow from your lower body back into your heart.
My recommendation
If you are looking for the best compression socks for pregnant ladies, I would recommend the Aulora Socks with Kodenshi by BE International.

Aulora Socks is an ankle support and compression socks made 100% designed and made in Japan.
The socks are unique because it is made with Kodenshi fiber.
Kodenshi fiber uses a state-of-the-art technology to blend high-purity ultra-fine ceramics into the material that enables efficient absorption and radiation of energy (body heat).
Your body heat will be used by the ultra-fine ceramics to emit far infrared rays (FIR).
FIR are beneficial to us because it helps to improve our blood circulation.

The Aulora Socks is excellent to be used for compression therapy for pregnant ladies.
During pregnancy period, a woman’s metabolism and blood circulation will slow down a lot and that is why the socks can help to boost these two.
In effect, it will reduce water retention, legs swollen, hormone imbalance and more.

The above is the Aulora Socks with Kodenshi on a display.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope it was helpful for you.
Before you leave, please take some time to read the disclaimer page on this blog.
The content above are for information and educational purposes only.
If you are not sure, please consult a medical professional.
Do you want to know more about the Aulora Socks?
If you do, click the link below to contact me through WhatsApp and I will share more with you.
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