Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Above is a picture of me wearing the Aulora Pants.
In this article, I will be sharing some info on how by wearing the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi from Japan by BE International help to relieve back pain?
I will share my personal experience wearing the Aulora Pants and how it helped to relieve my lower and upper back pain.
My story
I first came to know of the Aulora Pants was back in December 2017 when I was searching for a remedy to help to relieve her back pain and leg cramps.
I have been breastfeeding my youngest daughter for more than 36 months and due to the repetitive straining my back muscle in a breastfeeding position, I had developed a constant back pain.
If you are a breastfeeding mother, probably you know what I mean.
My back pain was so bad it actually caused legs cramps when I am walking for a short period of time.
My back pain also caused headaches and migraine.
Did my husband helped?
Yes, he did.
The only thing he could do was to help massage my back at night to relieve my strained muscle but the effect of the massage lasted only a few hours.
By the next morning, after I had breastfed my daughter, the back ache will be back.
I was pretty desperate but I didn’t want to take any medication to relieve my pain because the medication might effect my breastfeeding.
That was when I went online to look for a solution and someone on Facebook actually recommended the Aulora Pants to me.
At first, I didn’t believe what the pants claimed it could do.
How could a regular compression legging relieve back pain?
But I wanted to try it and bought the Aulora Pants.
Back then, the Aulora Pants had ran out of stock and it was on Back Order in Malaysia.
I had to wait for almost one month after I’ve placed the order and made full payment to receive my pants.
When I received the pants, it looked like an ordinary black legging to me.
The material and design of the Kodenshi pants feel very nice and high quality.
In the beginning, I wore the Aulora Pants for almost 24 hours a day.
Every alternate days, I would hand wash it with laundry detergent.
After about a week wearing the Aulora Pants, I noticed my back ache has become lesser and I don’t feel my legs cramping anymore.
I actually thought to myself, how could it be?
What is inside the pants?
Because I was curious, I’ve decided to spend some time researching the pants.
My husband’s story
At first, my husband wasn’t interested on the Aulora Pants.
However, after he saw what the pants have done for me, he started to become curious and interested on the pants as well.
Reason being, he also suffered from back aches.
His back aches were caused by prolong sitting in front of his laptop computer.
He works in the web publishing field therefore he had to sit in front of the computer from 8 to 10 hours per day.
Being in the same profession for more than 10 years, he had developed some back aches issues from sitting and hunching his shoulders while working on his laptop.
After a long day at work, he would have stiff lower and upper back muscle, rhomboids muscle and neck as well.
Most of the time, his back muscles will be so strained he will experience migraine at night.
What has he done to relieve his back pain?

He tried doing daily kettlebell swings to strengthen his back.
The exercise strengthen his lower back but he still get strained and stiff shoulders.
To relieve the pain on the shoulders, he will stick medicated plaster on his upper back.
The plasters did relieve the stiffness in his muscles but it was only temporary.
He also tried using a roll bar to help relieve his back muscles.
When I told him that the Aulora Pants relieved my back pain and leg cramps, he was really intrigued.
He wanted to know if the pants would relieve his back pain as well.
He asked me to get him a pair of Aulora Pants to do his experiment.
I got my husband a pair of Aulora Pants back in April 2018.
The first time he put on the pants was quite challenging because he had never wore a compression pants before.
After a a couple of minutes, he managed to pull the pants up to his waist.
He decided to wear it to sleep to see if the results experienced by me were real.

Above are pictures I took when my husband wore his Aulora Pants with Kodenshi for the first time.
Waking up the next morning, my husband told me the stiffness on his back from the night before was gone.
I wasn’t sure if the results was due to the Aulora Pants or because he had a good night rest.
He had experienced before going to sleep with a stiff shoulders and waking up with the same stiffness.
For my husband, going to sleep and waking up in the morning may not relieve all the muscle stiffness on his back and shoulders.
What he did next was to wear the Aulora Pants to work.
Since his back pain was caused by his working posture, he wanted to know if the pants helped at the end of the day.
To his surprise, the muscles on his lower, upper and shoulders were not as painful as before.
He told me he could still feel pain and strain on his back muscles, but the pain level was very much lower.
What would happen if he was to stop wearing the Aulora Pants?
He wanted to find out and decided not to wear the compression pants to work the following day.
Yup, by the end of the day, the pain and stiffness on his back and shoulders returned as usual.
With that, he concluded that the Aulora Pants does help to reduce his back and shoulders pain.
Until today, my husband is still wearing his old Aulora Pants and recently bought a new pair.
Science of Kodenshi
Looking into the product catalog, I could see that the Aulora Pants is made with 2 types of material.
The pants is made with 11.6% polyurethane and 88.4% nylon.
The bulk of the pants consist of the Kodenshi fiber.
What is Kodenshi?
Kodenshi is a fabric technology from Japan that incorporates high purity ultra-fine fine ceramic into the fiber.
The fine ceramic particles is the unique elements in the pants because it will emit far infrared rays (FIR) when it is heated.
What is the heat source for the fine ceramic particles when it is incorporated into a garment?
When the Kodenshi fabric touches our skin, it will absorb our body heat and release the FIR.
Far infrared ray has many benefits and one of it is help to improve blood circulation and body recovery.
I also did some research online on FIR.
According to, some of the health benefits of far infrared ray are:
- Help to improve cardiovascular health
- Help to relieve pain and inflammation
- Help with muscular injuries recovery
- Help with body detoxification
Overall, the science behind far infrared ray (FIR) for health is quite comprehensive.
If you are wondering how the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi from BE International can help to relieve back pain, I hope me and my husband’s story above gave you some clarification.
Wearing the Aulora Pants has helped to relieve me and my husband back pain.
As a disclaimer note, I am not a medical doctor.
If you are experiencing serious bad pain issues, please see a doctor to get professional medical advice.
The content above are for educational purposes only.
What worked for me and my husband may or may not work for you.
If you are not sure, I would suggest you do your own further research to find the answer you are looking for.
Before I end this article, please read the disclaimer page on this blog.
If you have any question, you can click the link below to message me on my WhatsApp and I will assist you.
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