6 Sources Of Targeted Leads For Your BE MLM Business

Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mommy Lynn Hong Kong

The above is a picture of me and my husband, Will taken when we went to Disneyland in Hong Kong.

My husband and I have been building our network marketing business by partnering with BE International since March 2018 as one of the company’s Independent Business Owner (IBO).

We did quite well in the business.

Our trip to Hong Kong was fully sponsored by BE International when we qualified for the BE Lifestyle Travel campaign.

BE Lifestyle Travel campaign is a sales campaign held twice a year where the qualifier can get to travel overseas free of charge!

This is one of the many perks of building the BE business.

The BE business opportunity has a wide range of product for the health and wellness market.

The range of product from the company consist of:

  • Aulora Series with Kodenshi garment (Aulora Pants, Aulora Socks, Aulora Panties, Aulora Boxer, Aulora Basic Top, Aulora Scarf, Aulora Arm Sleeves and Aulora Seamless Bra)
  • Belixz functional food product (Shiruto, I-Vxion, Livcore, Befil, SlendMeal Pro, SlendGlow, Zencoso and Maqnifiq)
  • Beyul Skin Care Series from South Korea
  • Beyang Fast Moving Consumer Good (FMCG)

As an active IBO, we have personally used all the product from BE.

Business leads

When building the BE business, it is very important you have constant supply of business leads.

In the following section, I will share with you 6 sources where I find targeted leads for my BE International network marketing / multi level marketing (MLM) business.

There are 2 types leads that you have to generate. These are:

  • Product related leads
  • Business opportunity leads

For the first step, which type of leads do you want to generate?

For the product related leads, you may be looking for people who are keen to try the Aulora Pants, Aulora Socks, Shiruto, Befil etc.

As for business opportunity leads, you may be looking for people who are keen to start a low cost and low risk part time business.

After you have decided what type of leads that you want, I will share with you 6 sources where you can find them.

These are the same online and offline sources that I focus my time on to generate leads for my BE International business and ultimately convert them into my customers and my business partners.

All of the leads sources are simple, easy and most important, these sources are Free!

Are you ready? Let’s begin!

1) Warm market

When you’ve started your BE International business, why not tell your family and friends about it.

Your warm market already knows you, therefore just share with them the benefits of the product that you are selling.

For me, the earliest customers for my business when I first got started were my mother, my sisters and my sister-in-laws 🙂

They trusted me on my recommendation and therefore were willing to buy the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi from me.

2) Warm market referrals

The next source of leads for your BE International business should be referrals from your relatives and friends.

After trying the Aulora Pants, my mother actually referred a lady to me.

She is the auntie selling prawn noodles at the market that my mother used to go to for breakfast.

I called her, made an appointment to see her, shared with her the benefits of the Aulora Pants and ultimately she bought one pair from me.

Therefore, warm market referral is a good source of leads for your BE business.

3) Facebook friends

Do you know how many people are connected to you as Friends on your Facebook account?

Go through all your FB friend list and Personal Message (PM) them.

Tell them you have an amazing product you want to share with them.

4) Facebook groups

When you’ve ran out of warm market leads, the next source of leads is to reach out to people in Facebook groups.

The trick here is to find discussion groups which are related to the product you are selling.

For example, if you want to promote the Aulora Pants, why not join Facebook groups for mothers.

Remember, you don’t join these groups to sell your product.

You should start applying some “Attraction Marketing” strategy on FB groups.

Be active in the groups and help with answering questions.

Send out friend request to the members of the FB group.

When they accepted your friend request, start to cultivate a friendship.

After they got to know you, you can start to share with them your product and also the BE business opportunity.

5) Instagram

Another source of leads for your business is Instagram.

In the Instagram app, start to follow mini influencers.

Comments and ask question on pictures they’ve posted.

You should also start posting pictures of the BE product you are selling on your Instagram account.

The objective here is to start building friendship and relationship.

6) Networking events

In terms of offline leads source, you can start attending networking events.

These are networking meetup which you can attend for free.

For example, you can attend events organised by BNI Malaysia.

You can also search for networking events using meetup.com/.

The objective of going to such events is to gather as many name cards and contacts as possible and follow up with them later.

Remember, you don’t go to these events to sell, you just want to collect their contact details.

Company notice

Whenever someone is keen on the BE business opportunity, I will always ask them to try the product from the company.

To buy any of the product, I will ask them to register as a member of BE International and place their order direct with the company.

I have visitors of this blog asked, “How come there are cheap BE products on Lazada, Shopee, Mudah, Qoo10 etc?”

Many people do not know that BE International has never authorise anyone to sell its product on 3rd party online marketplaces.

Therefore, if you see a seller on 3rd party online marketplaces, know that these are illegal sellers and whatever BE’s product that they are trying to sell has no product warranty from the company whatsoever.

Worst still, the product they are selling might be fake, counterfeit or imitation and they are just trying to scam your money.

BE International has received many complains in regards to fake / imitation product offered by illegal sellers and have issued a notice to inform the public below.

BE Instruction

As per the notice above, BE is deeply concerned about counterfeit products as their quality is highly questionable and the effectiveness is not guaranteed.

Worst of all, these counterfeit products pose a risk to the user’s health!

These counterfeit products are designed to closely resemble the original product packaging with the intent to mislead and confuse consumers.

BE International has made it very clear in the notice, they do not take any responsibility for counterfeit product!

If you buy any of BE product from 3rd party online marketplaces, you are doing it at your own risk.

What other steps have BE taken to protect its consumer?

To protect is consumer, the company has took the initiative to join HKRMA.

Member of HKRMA

BE International currently has its offices and distribution channel located in:

  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Brunei
  • Hong Kong
  • Indonesia

As of the year 2023, BE International has joined the Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA).

HKRMA is a notable organisation dedicated to improving industry management standards and encouraging business expansion.

Their vision is to enhance customer experience and industry excellence and maintaining genuine excellence through its No Fake Pledge Scheme partnership.

BE International HKRMA

One of the aim of the No Fake Pledge Scheme is to foster trader pride in dealing with genuine goods.

As an Independent Business Owner of BE International, we will do our utmost to raise our prospect and consumer’s awareness about intellectual property protection.


There you have it, 6 sources to generate leads for your BE International business.

Generating leads is the first step in the network marketing business building pipeline.

There are 6 steps in the business pipeline. The steps are:

1) Lead generation

2) Contacting the lead

3) Making appointment either on online Zoom meeting or offline meeting

4) Doing your presentation

5) Follow up with your prospect

6) Your prospect will either say Yes and become your customer or say No.

After you’ve gone through the business pipeline, you go back to Step 1 (Lead generation) again.

The diagram below is an illustration of the business pipeline.

BE International Business pipeline

There are many more sources of leads which you can try but the most important part is to take action.

When you managed to generate new leads, contact them immediately!

Thank you for reading this article and I hope you’ve gained something useful from it.

Before I end this article, please take some time to read the disclaimer page on this blog.

The content above are for information and educational purposes only.

Please do your own due diligence to find the answer you are looking for.

If you have any questions, please click the link below to contact me on WhatsApp and I’ll will assist you.

Click here for WhatsApp chat

By | 2024-10-26T10:58:42+08:00 October 25th, 2024|Business|0 Comments

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