Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Above is a picture of me with a box of Belixz Shiruto from BE International.
My husband I have been building our network marketing business using the BE International business opportunity since March 2018.
We did quite well in the business and now it is our full time career.
In the BE business, one of the most popular product is the functional food product known asĀ Belixz Shiruto.
On 5th January 2019, BE International officially launched the Belixz Shiruto product in Malaysia..
In conjunction with the launch, BE International has invited an expert, Dr. Hiroyuki Inagawa from Japan to give a presentation on the main ingredient in Shiruto which is IP-PA1.
Before this, I believe most people outside of Japan scientific and research community would not have heard of IP-PA1.
Therefore, the presentation by Dr. Inagawa on IP-PA1 was very enlightening.
The following are some of my notes from the talk.
Dr Hiroyuki Inagawa

IP-PA1 or Immunopotentiator from Pantoea agglomerans 1 may be very new to us, but Dr. Inagawa has been studying and doing research on it for more than 30 years.
He has appeared in may popular health magazines and also appeared on popular health TV shows in Japan.
Causes of diseases
Most diseases caused by Xenobiotic
Almost all lifestyle diseases we faced today occurred by Xenobiotic products.
What is Xenobiotic?
According to Wikipedia:
A xenobiotic is a chemical substance found within an organism that is not naturally produced or expected to be present within the organism.
Putting it in a more simple term, xenobiotic are generally considered as chemical compounds that are foreign to our body because they are not naturally produced so they are not expected to be there.
How do these chemical compounds get into our body?
They get into our body from the food additives and preservatives in the processed food we eat, environment pollutant such as pesticides, medical drugs etc.
A lot of the xenobiotic products in our body is also caused by our bad lifestyle.
When we have xenobiotics in our body, it will induce chronic inflammations.
What is chronic inflammation?
Read the article in the link below to understand the connection between inflammation and disease.
[Why You Should Pay Attention to Chronic Inflammation]
How do we maintain a healthy body?
We have immune cells known as macrophages.
Macrophages in our body eliminate foreign and bad substances such as bacteria, viruses, dead cells, tumor cells etc from our body.
The effectiveness of macrophages in our body can reduce due to stress, aging, bad lifestyle etc.
There is different stage of macrophage activity:
- Resident stage
- Priming stage
- Activating stage
We want to be in the priming stage in order to avoid suppression of macrophages.
One of the compound known than can actives macrophage is beta-glucan.
Beta-glucans are sugars that are found in the cell walls of bacteria, fungi, yeasts, algae, lichens, and plants such as oats and barley.
Tests show IP-PA1 activates macrophages and the amount needed is 1/1000 compared to beta-glucan.
Meaning IP-PA1 is 1000 times more effective than beta-glucan in activating macrophages.
How do we get IP-PA1?
IP-PA1 is extracted from a patented fermentation process of rice and wheat.
It is all natural because the base ingredients are plant based.
It is very interest to know that from Dr. Inagawa research, oral intake of IP-PA1 in mouse shows a positive indicator on hair growth.
It will be great to have actual testimonial to share.
If you are interested to get Shiruto, it is recommended for you to register as a member of BE International and make your purchase direct from the company.
BE International is one of the top multi level marketing company in Malaysia.
The company is also the exclusive brand owner of Belixz Shiruto.
Since my wife and I are Independent Business Owner (IBO) of BE International, we can be considered as seller of Shiruto in Malaysia.
How to buy Shiruto in Malaysia?
To purchase Shiruto, it is best to register as a member of BE International and place your order direct with the company.
What are the benefits of being a member of BE?
To know what are the member’s benefits, check out the article below.
[7 Amazing BE International Membership Benefits]
Thank your for reading this article.
Before I end, please read the disclaimer page on this blog.
What worked for my daughters may or may not work for you.
Please do your own due diligence. If you are not sure, consult a medical professional.
If you have any question, please click the link below to message me on my WhatsApp and I will assist you.
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