Buy Aulora Pants With Kodenshi Using Credit Card Installment

Is it possible to buy the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi and make payment with credit card installment?

Credit card

Yes, it is possible.

However, there are a few conditions.

The company

The company that imports the Kodenshi pants from Japan is BE International Marketing.

BE International actually has a credit card payment installment option with zero percent interest (0%).

If you are planning to buy 1 piece of the Aulora Pants, you can separate your payment charge on your credit card into 6 months with zero percent interest.

If you want to buy 2 pieces or more of the pants, you can enjoy 12 months payment installment on your credit card with zero percent interest.

The conditions

The following are 3 conditions to enjoy the credit card installment plan.

1) CIMB, Hong Leong and Public Bank

There are only 3 types of credit card accepted by BE International for the zero interest installment plan.

The credit card accepted are from CIMB, Hong Leong and Public Bank.

2) Only at Head Office and business centers

You can only swipe the approved credit cards for the zero interest installment plan at 2 locations.

You can do it at BE International Head Office located at Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur and their branch business centers located throughout the country.

Unfortunately, there is no credit card installment plan for online purchases.

BE HQ Bukit Jalil

Above is a picture of my husband meeting a customer at BE International HQ at Bukit Jalil, KL.

3) Be a member or sponsored

In order to purchase Aulora Kodenshi pants at a discounted price, you have to first sign up as a BE International member.

Alternatively, you would need a BE International IBO to sponsor your purchase.

The agent will give you his / her IBO number and you can use the number to place your order.


There you have it, the terms and condition to buy the Aulora Pants and pay with credit card installment with zero interest.

If you don’t have credit card from CIMB, Hong Leong or Public Bank, you can still have the installment plan.

All you have to do is call up the bank customer service and request to break up your purchase into 6 or 12 months installment.

The only drawback is, the bank will charge you interest on the installment.

Thank you for reading this article and I hope the information was helpful for you.

If you have any question, please click on the link below to contact me on WhatsApp and I will be happy to assist you.

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By | 2021-01-26T17:52:06+08:00 August 26th, 2020|Kodenshi|0 Comments

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