BE International Account Registration – Why Bank Account?

Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The above is a picture and my husband, Will and I when we visited Hong Kong.

Our trip to Hong Kong was fully sponsored by BE International through the BE Lifestyle Travel sales campaign that we’ve qualified and got 2 tickets.

Free international travel twice a year is one of the many benefits when you are building a network marketing business by partnering with BE International.

What is our story with BE?

Our introduction to BE began back in December 2017 through the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi.

It was only in March 2018 that we’ve decided to be serious in building a business using the business opportunity provided by BE.

As of today, our BE business is now our full time career.

Member registration

The BE International business opportunity has 4 top selling products range for the health and wellness market.

The product category are:

1) Aulora Series with Kodenshi which include the Aulora Pants, Aulora Socks, Aulora Boxer, Aulora Panties, Aulora Basic Top, Aulora Scarf, Aulora Arm Sleeves and Aulora Seamless Bra.

2) Belixz functional food which include Shiruto, Maqnifiq, Befil, Zencoso, Slendezeal, SlendGlow, I-Vxion, Spirulina and Livcore.

3) Beyul skin care series from South Korea which include the Hydrating Foam Cleanser, Hydrating Cleansing Oil, UV Sunscreen SPF50, Intensive Lip Care, Hydro Ampoule, Intensive Spot Cream, Deep Care Moisturising Cream, Moisturising Mask, Moisturising Cream and Moisturising Lotion.

4) Beyang Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) product category which include the Caffe Pre-mix Coffee, Handcrafted Soap Bar, Intimate Foam Wash and Delicate Laundry Wash.

If you want to buy product from BE or you want to be one of its Independent Business Owner (IBO), everything begins with the member registration process.

In this article, I thought of sharing the process to register as a member of BE International.

More specifically, I will be sharing why you need to enter your bank account details when signing up as a member.

Firstly, in order to register as a BE Malaysia member, you will need a sponsor.

The role of a sponsor is to provide customer service to you and help to answer any of your questions in regards to the product from BE.

Your sponsor will share with you the member registration link.

The BE member registration process begin my entering your identity card number and going through the Electronic Know Your Customer or EKYC.

Why do you need to perform EKYC in order to register a BE member account?

BE International EKYC

As per the above poster, the BE International member registration EKYC process benefits can be explained as S-E-C-U-R-E.

S – Safe and swift

E – Enhanced security and efficiency

C – Convenience

U – User-friendly interface

R – Regulatory compliance

E – Environmentally friendly

Check out the video below on how to do to EKYC process.

After you’ve taken the picture of your physical identity card front and back, you would have to wait a few minutes for the computer system to verify your personal information such as your full name and identity card number.

After your personal information has been verified, you will need to enter a few personal details that are not listed on your identity card which are your phone number and email address.

Next, there is a section where you have to enter your bank account details.

From my experience, many people are hesitant to enter their bank account number.

They may be wondering, why do they have to enter their bank details just to buy the product from BE?

Please allow me to explain.

Bank info

Usually, there are 2 reasons why a person wants to register as a member of BE International.

The reasons are:

  • To buy the product from BE
  • To make use of the BE business opportunity

When a person wants to register as a BE member to be a consumer only, there is a good reason why his / her bank details are needed.

When they buy a product from BE, they will receive rebates for their own purchases.

These rebates are like cash back incentive ranges from 5% – 15% of the product Sales Value (SV) points.

The purchase rebates are calculated at the end of every month.

As you can see, the sales rebate can be quite substantial.

When the sales rebate / cash back are finalised, BE has to send the money to its members.

The best way to transfer the rebate is directly into the member’s bank account.

That is the reason why the bank account details are required during the BE member registration process.

When a person register as a member to become a BE Independent Business Owner (IBO), the reason why the bank details are needed is the same.

Instead of receiving purchase rebates, an IBO will receive commission and bonuses.

You can read the article on this blog to learn more on the BE 9 types of income.

How to be sure that your bank account information is correct?

That is where the BE EKYC process comes into the picture.

The EKYC process will capture your exact full name and IC number as per your identity card.

The bank information that you’ve entered has to match exactly with your name.

In other words, you can only enter YOUR bank account info, and not someone else’s.

This is to make sure your rebates or bonuses does not being transferred to another person’s bank account.

That’s all for my sharing in this article.

Note: As a disclaimer, the content above is for educational purposes only.

If you did not find the answer you are looking for, please do your own further due diligence.

If you have questions, click the link below to message me on my WhatsApp and I will assist you.

Click here for WhatsApp chat

By | 2024-09-03T14:55:07+08:00 September 2nd, 2024|Sharing|0 Comments

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