Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The above is a picture of me taken when I visited Seoul, South Korea.
My husband and I have been building our home based business by partnering with a local company since March 2018.
We did quite well in the business.
My trip to South Korea was fully sponsored by the company when I qualified for the sales campaign.
The sales campaign is held twice a year where the qualifier can get to travel overseas free of charge!
So far, my husband and I have qualified and travelled for free to:
- Hokkaido, Japan
- Melbourne, Australia
- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Osaka, Japan
- Seoul, South Korea
- Taipei, Taiwan
- Hong Kong & Macau
- Perth, Australia
- Shanghai, China
This is one of the many benefits when we partnered with the right company that offers amazing compensation plan.
What type of business is suitable for a housewife in Malaysia?
In this article, I will share some low risk business ideas that you can operate from your home.
My story
Please allow me to share with you my background story.
Yes, I am a full time housewife.
Before I became a full time housewife, I was a Human Resource (HR) manager for an office supplies manufacturing company in Kuala Lumpur.
I resigned from my job back in 2010 when I got married to my husband.
After that, we had our first child and 2 years later, our second child.
I have been a full time housewife for 6 years before I decided to get back into employment.
Back then, my husband was the only breadwinner and our family’s cashflow was very tight.
With only one source of income, we don’t have much left money wise at the end of every month.
I did try to find a job by sending more than 90 resumes and going for 6 job interviews.
Unfortunately, no company wanted to hire me even thought I am highly qualified and experienced.
The reason the companies don’t want to hire me was due to my 6 years gap of not working when I was a full time housewife.
It was a disappointing experience for me.
Nonetheless, I had to find a solution to expand the income for our family.
That was when I started to look for business opportunities where I can operate from my home.
My home business journey
Before I started writing this article, I actually did some research online to find out what are the business ideas recommended for housewives in Malaysia from other websites.
Some of the ideas recommended are:
- Start a home cooking or baking business
- Sell home made soap online
- Become an online tuition teacher
- Become a driver and send kids to school or daycare
- Become a part time baby sister / nanny
- Sell baby items and clothing
- Become a personal shopper
- Take up part time service job such as a virtual assistant
- Affiliate marketing
- And many more
I actually started a small home based business in early 2017 selling prepacked baby porridge.
As a mother, I know the challenges parents faced when they travel with babies.
It is difficult to prepare nutritious food for babies when the whole family is staying in an Airbnb or hotel room.
I did my research and actually found a great solution.
It’s prepacked baby porridge.

The above is a picture of the first product I tried to sell from my home business.
I found a supplier for the prepacked baby porridge from Taiwan and placed an order.
I wasn’t able to get a good price from the supplier because I don’t have large capital to place a big order.
Furthermore, because it is a consumable product, the prepacked baby porridge had a short shelve life of about 1 year.
Therefore, it was not wise for me to keep a lot of inventory.
When I received my order, I started to promote the prepacked baby porridge on social media such as Facebook and Carousell.
This blog was actually setup by my husband as a marketing tool for me to market and promote the prepacked baby porridge.
You can find some of the early articles about the baby porridge still in the blog.
However, after a few months of selling the prepacked baby porridge, I had a realisation about my business.
I realised that the profit from my home business is very small and it is unlikely that I can grow it into a big business.
Reason being, the target market for the prepacked baby porridge is very small.
Back then, only mothers with 2 – 3 years old toddler who are going for a holiday are buying from me.
Can you see how small the target market is?
That is why on a good month such as during school holidays, my home based business selling prepacked baby porridge could only generate RM400 – RM500 in net profit.
I remember telling myself I can’t go on like this.
The net profit from my home business is too low.
I need to find another product to sell from my business in order to make it worth while.
Ideally, the product has to be of higher value so that I can earn higher profit.
The product also has to able to cater for a bigger market.
People of all ages, men and women of every ethnicity should be able to use the product.
With the above 2 criteria in mind, I started to look for a new product for my business.
Luckily, I found it!
New product
How did I find the ideal product for my home business?
As fate has it, I found the product I was looking for in the comment section of a Facebook post.
The product that I found on Facebook is a far infrared ray (FIR) emitting health and wellness pants which is fully made and imported from Japan.
Later I found out the sole importer of the FIR emitting pants was a company located in Kuala Lumpur.
My husband and I got to know the founder of the company and we decided to become one of the agent / distributor of the FIR garment.
How much was my initial investment to start my new business selling FIR emitting health and wellness pants?
I actually got started with an investment of less than RM2000.
The RM2000 was used to purchase 2 pairs of the FIR emitting pants for myself and my mom.

Above is a picture of me wearing the FIR emitting pants when I travelled to Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The reason I purchased the pants because I was looking for a solution to help to relieve my back pain and leg cramps.
I also wanted to experience wearing the pants personally.
After wearing the FIR pants for a few days, my back ache and leg cramps surprisingly went away.
I am now convinced that the pants works and started to promote it as the core product for my home business.
In the first month, the commission that I got from promoting and selling the FIR pants was more than RM1000!
It was definitely a much better option than selling prepacked baby porridge.
I kept on building the business and it started to grow.
Third month into the business, my monthly commission has exceeded RM5000!
Honestly, I was really surprised by the results.
I was wondering why the FIR pants was selling so well?
After some research and deep thinking, I realised the far infrared ray (FIR) pants is a Blue Ocean product.

The concept of a blue ocean product is from the book Blue Ocean Strategy written by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne.
A blue ocean product is in contrast to a red ocean product where the competition is very stiff and profit margin very low.
In a red ocean, everyone is fighting each other just to get their hands on a small profit.
The book Blue Ocean Strategy talks about creating a product or service in a totally new category where the competitor does not exist.
This makes competition in the market irrelevant therefore it has the potential to generate a higher profit.
By chance, I stumbled upon a blue ocean product in Malaysia which is the far infrared ray emitting pants.
Having a mentor
When I first started selling the FIR emitting pants, I wasn’t very sure what I should do.
Luckily, I met a lady who has been very successful in promoting and selling the FIR pants locally and internationally.
Her name is Cyndy.
Coincidentally, Cyndy is also a housewife and she has a daughter around the same age as my daughter.
My husband and I met with Cyndy and her husband back in November 2017.
We saw the success Cyndy and her husband had selling the FIR pants and we asked them if they are will to teach and guide us.
Cyndy and her husband agreed to be our business mentor.
What is the benefits of having a mentor?
According to Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the popular business book Rich Dad Poor Dad,
“A good mentor helps inspire you, push you, drive you, and helps you connect to others. They help you open your mind and help prepare you for everything that’s out there.
Mentors that invest in you help you learn and further in your career.”
By following the mentoring from Cyndy and her husband, we were able to grow our business quickly.
Without their guidance, we would have wasted a lot of time and money making unnecessary mistakes in our business.
This is my story thus far.
Thank you for reading this article and I hope it was helpful for you.
Before you leave, please take some time to read the disclaimer page on this blog.
The content above are for information and educational purposes only.
Join our team
Are you thinking of starting your own home based business?
If you are, having a mentor that has already successful to guide you will help you to start making money and grow your business faster.
This month, my business mentor, Cyndy and I are going to start a new team.

Above is a picture of me and Cyndy.
Cyndy and I will provide mentoring, coaching and training for this new team members.
Because we want to provide our full focus on this new team, I will personally bring in only one new partner into my team.
If you are interested to be part of our new team, click the link below to apply via WhatsApp.
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