Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Will and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Above is a picture of me taken when I visited Melbourne, Australia.
My wife and I are professional network marketers.
We have been building our network marketing business by partnering with BE International as one of its Independent Business Owner (IBO) since March 2018.
We did quite well in the BE business.
Our trip to Melbourne was fully sponsored by BE International through the BE Lifestyle Travel sales campaign that we’ve qualified and got 2 tickets.
Free international travel twice a year is one of the many benefits when you are an active IBO with BE.
BE International is one of the top 5 direct selling company in Malaysia based in Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur.
The company has a wide range of health and wellness product such as :
- Aulora Series with Kodenshi far infrared ray (FIR) emitting garment such as Aulora Pants, Aulora Socks, Aulora Panties, Aulora Boxer, Aulora Basic Top, Aulora Scarf, Aulora Arm Sleeves and Aulora Seamless Bra
- Belixz functional food product such as I-Vxion, Livcore, Befil, Shiruto, SlendMeal Pro, SlendGlow, Spirulina, Zencoso and Maqnifiq
- Beyul Skin Care Series from South Korea
- Beyang Fast Moving Consumer Good (FMCG)
One of the top selling product range from BE is the Belixz functional food category.
Functional food
According to Healthline website:
Functional foods are ingredients that offer health benefits that extend beyond their nutritional value.
Some types contain supplements or other additional ingredients designed to improve health.
The concept originated in Japan in the 1980s when government agencies started approving foods with proven benefits in an effort to better the health of the general population.”
One of the top selling product from the Belixz product category is Shiruto.
What is the main function of Shiruto as a functional food product?
The main function of Shiruto is help to re-activate in-active macrophages in our body using its key active ingredient known as Immunopotentiator from Pantoea agglomerans 1 or IP-PA1.
To learn more on the benefits of Shiruto, please read the article below.
[Shiruto By BE International Review – Vitamin For Our Immune Cell]
Common question
One of the most common question we got asked from our customers is, “When is the best time to consume Belixz Shiruto?”
What I can do in the section below is share how me and my family members take Shiruto.
Usually, I will take one sachet of Shiruto after meal.
Myself, my wife and our daughters started taking Shiruto back in the year 2019 when it was first launched in Malaysia.
Back then, my wife and I weren’t very sure how effective Shiruto is but decided to try it anyway.
To our surprised, our daughters’ immune system improved after taking Shiruto.
As of today, my entire family members are still taking Shiruto everyday.
If you didn’t know, each box of Belixz Shiruto has 30 sachet.
For general immune system health maintenance, it is recommended to take 1 sachet per day.

Above is a picture of Shiruto in individual sachet.
Each sachet weights 1 gram.
The way I consume Shiruto is by pouring the powder content in the sachet into my mouth and drink water.
Usually, I will take Shiruto after my meal.
My wife and I also give 1 sachet to our daughters each before they go to school.
We did this to ensure the macrophages in their body stay active when they are at school.
Actually, Shiruto can be taken at any time.
It can be taken before or after meal.
But since the Shiruto powder tastes quite sour, it is recommended to take it after meal if you have gastric issue.
According to the Washington Post Wellness column:
“Most supplements should be taken with food to reduce the chances they’ll upset your stomach and to stimulate digestion and improve absorption. For a select few, it really doesn’t matter if you take them on an empty stomach.”
What’s more important is the number of Shiruto sachet that you take in a day.
Normally, I will take 1 sachet per day.
However, if I am feeling tired or lethargic or I can feel that a sore throat or flu is coming, I will increase my consumption of Shiruto to 2 to 3 sachet on that day.
The maximum number of Shiruto sachet that you can consume is 4 per day.
What is the Belixz Shiruto selling price in Malaysia?
If you want to know the retail price, you can check out BE International official Shiruto product page.
To learn the Shiruto retail price in Singapore, click here.
To learn the Shiruto retail price in Brunei, click here.
Company notice
For those that want to get the genuine Shiruto from Japan, my recommendation is to become a member of BE and buy direct from the company.
In this section, I thought of sharing why some of my blog readers do not want to register as a member of BE International.
One of the main reasons was because they saw a lot of Belixz Shiruto listings on third party online marketplaces.
Many times they have asked me, “Why Shiruto is selling so much cheaper on Shopee and Lazada?”
Since they can get Shiruto cheaper from these 3rd party online marketplaces, they want to save money and would rather buy from the sellers there.
To be honest, I understand how they feel.
If I can get Shiruto at the cheaper price from Shopee or Lazada, why should I go through the trouble to open a member account with BE to place my order.
One of the main benefits of registering as a member and buying direct from BE is a guarantee that the product that you purchased from the company is 100% genuine.
Please allow me to explain why this is important.
Do you know why Shiruto are being listed so cheap on 3rd party online marketplaces?
It is because those are fake or counterfeit product!
Why would anyone want to sell fake or counterfeit product on 3rd party online marketplaces?
To make a quick profit of course.
Due to the high public demand on Shiruto, these scammers want to make quick money at your expense.
The issue of fake, imitation or counterfeit product on 3rd party online marketplaces is not new.
But lately, counterfeit Shiruto product has been appearing more and more on these platform.
BE International realised this and had already lodge a complain with these 3rd party online platforms.
Alas, there is only so much the owner of these platforms can do.
Due to greed, scammers will always keep listing fake or counterfeit items on the platform because there is money to be made.
What BE has done was issue a notice warning the public not to buy Shiruto or any other product from the company on 3rd party online marketplaces.
You can read the official notice below.

As per the notice above, BE is deeply concerned about counterfeit products as their quality is highly questionable and the effectiveness is not guaranteed.
Worst of all, these counterfeit products pose a risk to the user’s health!
These counterfeit products are designed to closely resemble the packaging of Belixz Shiruto with the intent to mislead and confuse consumers.
BE International has made it very clear in the notice, they do not take any responsibility for counterfeit product!
If you buy any of BE product from 3rd party online marketplaces, you are doing it at your own risk.
What other steps have BE taken to protect its consumer?
To protect is consumer, the company has took the initiative to join HKRMA.
Member of HKRMA
As of the year 2023, BE International has joined the Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA).
HKRMA is a notable organisation dedicated to improving industry management standards and encouraging business expansion.
Their vision is to enhance customer experience and industry excellence and maintaining genuine excellence through its No Fake Pledge Scheme partnership.

One of the aim of the No Fake Pledge Scheme is to foster trader pride in dealing with genuine goods.
As an Independent Business Owner of BE International, we will do our utmost to raise our prospect and consumer’s awareness about intellectual property protection.
Thank you for reading this article and I hope it was helpful for you.
Before you leave, take some time to read the disclaimer page on this blog.
The content above is for information and educational purposes only.
What worked for me may or may not work for you.
Do your own due diligence and further research in order to get the answer you are looking for.
If you are not sure, please consult a medical professional.
If you have any question, click on the link below to contact me on WhatsApp and I will assist you.
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