BE International Bonus – 9 Types Of Income & Commission

Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The above is a picture of me and my husband taken when we visited Osaka, Japan.

My husband and I have been building our network marketing / MLM business using the BE International business opportunity since March 2018.

We did quite well in the business.

Our trip to Osaka was fully sponsored by BE International when we qualified for the BE Lifestyle Travel campaign.

BE Lifestyle Travel campaign is a sales campaign held twice a year where the qualifier can get to travel overseas free of charge!

This is one of the many benefits building the BE business.

Many people have asked us what was the reason we’ve decided to partnered with BE.

One of the reason is the number of bonuses offered by the BE business marketing plan.

In this article, I will share the 9 types of bonus income which you can get from the BE International business opportunity.

BE International 9 Bonuses

The above is a picture showing all the 9 income bonuses you can earn from the BE business.

The consumers

There are 2 types of people that signed up as a member of BE International.

The first type are consumers.

The normal consumers are intrigued by the amazing product from BE International such as the Aulora Series with Kodenshi, Belixz Shiruto, Belixz Livcore etc and they just want to buy and enjoy using the product.

They have no intention of building a business whatsoever.

One of their concern is whether there is a monthly purchase or sales maintenance as a BE member.

The answer is No, there is no monthly sales requirement.

As a member, they can use the BE4U smartphone app to purchase BE product whenever they like.

The BE membership is valid for 1 year, but whenever you make a purchase, your membership will be extended for another 12 months automatically free of charge.

Opportunity seekers

The second type of people that signed up as a member of BE International are business opportunity seekers.

These are the people that know the potential of a network marketing business and decided to partner with BE.

Many BE business builders started off as a normal member by purchasing and using the product from BE International.

The most popular product from the company is the Aulora Series which consist of the Aulora Pants, socks, T-shirt, panties, boxer, arm sleeves, scarf and seamless bra.

After they’ve experienced the positive effect of the Aulora Series garment personally, they’ll have the intention to sell it as a part time business.

They will then start to study and understand the BE marketing and compensation plan.

I know this because I went through the same process of using BE product first and then learning the marketing plan.

What does the BE International MLM plan has to offer?

What are the bonuses and commission available for its normal members and Independent Business Owners (IBO) / business builders?

In the BE International business, there are 9 types bonuses / commission available. These are:

  1. Retail profit
  2. Performance bonus
  3. Ambassador bonus
  4. Ambassador achievement bonus
  5. Leadership bonus
  6. Development fund
  7. Year end bonus
  8. Car fund
  9. House fund

Types of income

In this section, I will explain all the 9 types of income and bonuses from the BE busines.

Bisnes BE

The first type of income is the Retail profit.

As a member of BE International, you can buy all its product at member’s price.

You can then sell the product at the recommended Retail Price (RP) to your customer.

The difference between the retail selling price and your member’s product purchase price is your Retail profit.

For your info, I do not focus on retail profit because the amount is very small.

Furthermore, anyone that wants to buy any of the product from BE, I will ask them to register as a member so that they will get to enjoy the member’s benefits.

My focus is more on the network income which I will explain later.

The second type of bonus in the BE business is the Performance bonus.

The performance bonus is actually meant for members who are just normal consumers.

This bonus is also known as personal purchase rebate and ranges from 5% to maximum 15%.

The personal purchase rebate is similar to cashback for your personal orders.

The rebate is calculated based on the accumulation of the product Sales Value (SV) points.

The third type of bonus is the Ambassador bonus.

This is where a BE business builder differentiates from a normal consumer.

In order to trigger the Ambassador bonus, a person has to achieve a target sales figure within a calendar month.

The good news is, the sales target is not based on individual effort, rather it is based on Total Personal Group Sales (TGSV).

If you want to make money from the BE business opportunity, you have to do it as a team.

You do not try to build a MLM business as an individual because it is too difficult.

The company

Firstly, know that BE International is a licensed direct sales company located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The company is a ISO 9001:2015 certificated organisation with international branch offices and distribution channels in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Hong Kong.

BE International which is a Malaysia based company with international aspiration is also a member of reputable direct selling association such as:

  • Direct Selling Association of Malaysia (DSAM)
  • Direct Selling Association Singapore (DSAS)
  • Indonesian Direct Selling Association (APLI)
  • Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA)
BE International membership

Being a member of DSAM, DSAS, APLI and HKRMA, the company has to follow the strict Code of Conduct in order to operate its business in the respective countries.

The marketing plan

When I first saw the BE International marketing and commission plan, to be honest, I have no idea what I was looking at.

All the numbers look very confusing to me.

There were different numbers such as PV, BV, SV, PSV & TGSV.

The plan makes no sense to me at all.

I understood that there were a few key and top selling products from BE International.

The focus of the marketing plan is to use 2 of BE’s core product to grow the business which are the Aulora Pants from Japan and also the Shiruto functional food.

What really caught my attention was the income potential and how much I can generate from the business if I were to follow the recommended strategy.

The strategy is call the BE 139 Marketing Plan.

The benefit of following the BE 139 plan is knowing exactly how to build a stable network with predictable monthly income from the business.

If you have not figure it out yet, the business model is Multi-level marketing (MLM).

I know many people have negative impression about MLM business, me included.

Surprisingly, many people also know of their friends or family members who are successful in MLM.

As for me, all I wanted is to have an income source of my own so that I can help my husband to pay for our family expenses.

If the income source has to come from a MLM business, so be it!

I am willing to change my perception about MLM if it could help me and my family achieve our financial goals.

I was told by a sponsor, the car fund and house fund are unique to BE International because other direct sales companies do not have them.

These 2 types of income are pure passive income!

I was really excited when I heard that.

Is it really possible to earn all the 9 types of bonuses from BE International?

Yes, it is possible.

I started actively building my network marketing business back in March 2018 and by December 2018, I have already qualified to receive all the bonuses.

The picture below is me receiving the Car Fund and House Fund from BE International.

BE Car Fund & House Fund

International travel

Apart from the 9 types of bonuses and commission for BE opportunity business builders, there is one other benefit that most people do not know.

That benefit is the BE Lifestyle Travel campaign!

Check out the video above highlighting the BE Lifestyle Travel.

As I’ve mentioned above, the BE Lifestyle Travel is a sales campaign open to all BE Ambassador ranking and above which is held twice a year.

Through the BE Lifestyle Travel campaign, my husband and I have qualified to:

  • Hokkaido, Japan
  • Melbourne, Australia
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
  • Osaka, Japan
  • Seoul, South Korea
  • Taipei, Taiwan
  • Hong Hong & Macau
  • Perth, Australia
  • Shanghai, China

The BE Lifestyle Travel campaign is actually a tool provide by BE to help grow our business.

As professional network marketers, we use the sales campaign as an opportunity to expand our network, boost our group total sales and foster a sense of community among our team members.

BE Lifestyle Travel campaign is more than just an opportunity to earn rewards or achieve short-term sales goals, it is actually a powerful motivator that can drive significant growth in your network.

You can check out my TikTok video above where I shared a short video when I went to Nami Island, South Korea.

Thank you for reading this article.

I hope my sharing above has been helpful for you.

Before I end this article, please take some time to read the disclaimer page on this blog.

The content above are for information and educational purposes only.

If you have any questions, please click the link below to message me on WhatsApp and I will assist you.

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By | 2024-08-22T17:06:23+08:00 August 19th, 2024|Business|2 Comments

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  1. Marleena Santoso 02/05/2021 at 12:16 pm - Reply

    Hi Lynn. Is it possible to sell the Aulora Pants in Indonesia? Thank you.

    • Lynn 02/05/2021 at 4:47 pm - Reply

      Hi Marleena. BE International has set up its business in Jakarta, Indonesia back in April 2021. Yes, you can now sell the Aulora Pants in Indonesia.

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