Aulora Pants x Personal Trainer – Winning Business Combination

Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Will & Lynn

The above is a picture of me and my husband taken when we went to Osaka, Japan.

My husband and I have been building our network marketing business using the BE International business opportunity since March 2018.

We did quite well in the business.

Our trip to Osaka, Japan was fully sponsored by BE International when we qualified for the BE Lifestyle Travel campaign.

BE Lifestyle Travel campaign is a sales campaign held twice a year where the qualifier can get to travel overseas free of charge!

This is one of the many benefits building the BE business.

Do you know what is the top selling product from BE?

It is actually the Aulora Series with Kodenshi.

The Aulora Series is a range of far infrared ray (FIR) emitting garment imported from Japan.

The Aulora Series consist of:

  • Aulora Pants (Women & men)
  • Aulora Socks (Women & men)
  • Aulora Panties
  • Aulora Boxer
  • Aulora Top (T-shirt)
  • Aulora Scarf
  • Aulora Arm Sleeves
  • Aulora Seamless Bra

The top selling product from the Aulora Series is the Aulora Pants.

The Aulora Pants is suitable for women and men of all ages.

It can also be used as a functional garment for personal trainers.

In this article, I thought of sharing how the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi from Japan by BE International can benefit professional personal trainers.

Personal trainers

As a professional personal trainer, you are constantly working hard to improve the health, fitness, and overall well being of your clients.

Your success depends on your ability to perform at your best, both physically and mentally.

When you wear the Aulora Pants while performing your daily routine, it can help to provide numerous benefits that enhance your performance, recovery and overall effectiveness as a trainer.

In the section below, I will be sharing 6 benefits how the Aulora Pants can benefit personal trainers in Malaysia.

1) Enhanced your physical performance

In the profession of being a personal trainer, you are often on your feet for long hours, demonstrating exercises, correcting form, and keeping up with your clients’ workout energetic pace.

The Aulora Pants can help to enhance your physical performance by improving your body blood circulation.

The far infrared rays emitted by the Kodenshi fibers will penetrate your skin therefore promoting better blood flow.

This improved circulation ensures that your muscles receive more oxygen and nutrients, reducing fatigue and allowing you to maintain a high level of energy and performance throughout your sessions.

2) Reduced muscle fatigue and soreness

Being a personal trainer requires constant physical activity, which can lead to muscle fatigue and soreness.

When you are wearing the Aulora Pants, it can provide gentle compression that supports your muscles, reducing the buildup of lactic acid and other metabolic waste products that cause soreness.

By wearing Aulora Pants, you can experience less muscle fatigue, allowing you to recover faster between sessions and maintain a consistent training schedule without the muscle pain and soreness.

3) Improved recovery time

Next, wearing the Aulora Pants can help with your recovery time.

Recovery is especially important for personal trainers because they need to be ready to perform day in and day out.

The enhanced blood circulation provided by Aulora Pants can help you with faster recovery by reducing inflammation and promoting the removal of waste products from your muscles.

This means you can bounce back quickly after intense training sessions or long days, ensuring you are always at your best for your clients.

4) Injury prevention

Injuries can be a significant setback for personal trainers, don’t you think so?

When you are injured, it will affect your ability to work and maintain your clientele.

The Aulora Pants can help in injury prevention by providing support and stability to your muscles and joints.

The compression can help in maintaining proper alignment of your body thus reducing the risk of strains and sprains.

Additionally, the improved circulation helps to speed up healing of minor injuries, allowing you to get back to your work sooner and avoid prolonged downtimes.

5) Enhanced comfort and flexibility

Comfort is very important for personal trainers who need to move freely and demonstrate a wide range of exercises.

Aulora Pants are designed to provide a tight yet comfortable fit that moves with your body.

The breathable fabric of the pants ensures that you stay cool and dry even during intense sessions.

The seamless design also reduces the risk of chafing and irritation, allowing you to focus on your clients without feeling discomfort.

The flexibility of the pants also ensures that you can perform dynamic movements with ease, showcasing exercises effectively.

6) Holistic approach to health

As a personal trainer, you advocate for a holistic approach to health and fitness.

Adding the Aulora Pants into your routine aligns with this philosophy by providing not only physical benefits but also promoting overall well being.

The enhanced circulation, reduced muscle fatigue, and improved recovery all contribute to better physical health, which in turn supports mental and emotional well being.

This holistic approach can set you apart as a trainer who truly cares about the comprehensive health of your clients.

Business opportunity

If you are currently a personal fitness trainer, how can you make use of the BE business opportunity to generate an additional income stream?

When you are wearing and benefiting from Aulora Pants yourself, it allows you to share firsthand experiences with your clients.

Shairng your personal testimonials about the positive impact of the pants can build trust and encourage your clients to try the pants as well.

When your clients see the benefits you have experienced, they are more likely to purchase the product and recommend it to others.

This can lead to additional income opportunities for you through sales and referrals, further enhancing your business.

In the section below, I will share with you 3 tips how you can make use of the BE business together with the Aulora Pants.

1) Right target market

Firstly, as a personal trainer, the target market that you serve are people that are into health and wellness.

Your customers are men and women that want to loose weight, increase muscle mass or generally want to exercise to stay fit.

Your role as a personal trainer is to help them to achieve their goal faster or in a shorter time frame.

As a personal trainer, you can recommend tools, product and supplement that can help your customers.

The Aulora Pants with Kodenshi from Japan can complement the service that you provide to your customer base.

For those that want to loose weight, wearing the Aulora Pants can help to improve blood circulation therefore increasing the metabolism rate which can lead to faster weight lost and slimming effect.

For those that want to increase muscle mass, wearing the Aulora Pants can help to relieve Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after a workout session.

For those that just want to stay fit, the Aulora Pants is a nice and trendy athleisure that they can wear everyday.

Aulora Set

The above is the complete range of the Aulora Series with Kodenshi from Japan.

Can you see how the Aulora Pants by BE can complement your customer base?

When a personal trainer recommends a product which can help a person to achieve their health and wellness goal faster, they may be more incline to buy because they trust your professional recommendation.

2) Generate passive income

When you make use of the BE business together with the Aulora Pants, you have the opportunity to generate passive income.

Let me explain.

When your personal training customers buys the Aulora Pants, he / she will register as a member of BE International.

Apart from the Aulora Pants, BE International also has a wide range of functional food product such as:

  • Slendezmeal – A low calories meal replacement drink
  • SlendGlow – A slimming product derived from natural ingredients from Japan
  • Shiruto – For immunity health
  • Zencoso – Enzyme product imported from Japan for metabolism
  • Befil – For heart and blood circulatory system health

The above product are ideal for people that are health conscious.

The above functional food product will be able to generate monthly repeat sales for you.

As a BE member, your customers will have access to the BE4U app where they can place order on their own using their smartphone.

After they have placed their order, the company will do the product delivery to their address using courier service.

When your customer place an order on the BE4U app, you earn an overriding commission.

The overriding commission is additional income for you without you having to do any sales activity.

This type of income is very similar to earning passive income.

3) Social media marketing

.As a personal trainer, most probably you’ve created our own personal branding using social media.

You may have your social medial channels on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter (X) etc to promote your personal trainer service.

You can now use the product available from BE International to create content for your social media channels.

You can create reviews of the product from BE from a personal fitness trainer point of view and share with your followers.

Doing so, you can create more awareness of your personal brand thus attracting more prospect to your personal trainer business.

One of the way my husband and I generate leads for our BE business is by publishing video content on TikTok.

We regularly publish video content related to BE product and business opportunity.

Mommy Lynn TikTok

The above is a screen capture of our TikTok account used to generate leads for our BE International business.


There you have it, the above are the benefits of the Aulora Pants for professional personal trainers.

I’ve also shared 3 tips how you can benefits from the BE International business opportunity.

The above tips are not comprehensive because there are many other ways you can make use of the BE business to generate additional income.

However, before that can happen, you have to first become a product user yourself.

If you have never used the product, how can you recommend to your customer?

If you are keen to explore the BE business opportunity, the next step is to register as a member of BE and get a pair of Aulora Pants for yourself.

Thank you for reading this article and I hope it was helpful for you.

Before you leave, please take some time to read the disclaimer page on this blog.

The content above are for information and educational purposes only.

Join our team

Are you thinking of starting your BE business?

If you are, having a mentor that has already successful to guide you will help you to start making money and grow your business faster.

This month, my business mentor, Cyndy and I are going to start a new team.

Mommy Lynn with Cyndy

Above is a picture of me and Cyndy.

Cyndy and I will provide mentoring, coaching and training for this new team members.

Because we want to provide our full focus on this new team, I will personally bring in only one new partner into my team.

If you are interested to be part of our new team, click the link below to apply via WhatsApp.

Click here for WhatsApp chat

By | 2024-07-05T15:45:00+08:00 July 4th, 2024|Sharing|0 Comments

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