Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Above is a picture of me sharing the BE International business opportunity using the Aulora Pants as the core product.
In this article, I will be sharing why I used the Aulora Pants business opportunity by BE International as a way to create an alternative income stream for my family.
I will also be sharing my personal story how I got started building my business by partnering with BE International.
Here’s the fact, most people that joined a MLM company will not make any money from their business.
According to a report by, 97% of network marketer failed in their business endeavor.
Why so many people failed in MLM?
One of the reason is partnering with the wrong company.
By partnering with the right company, you’ve already achieved 50% success in your journey.
The other 50% is the ability to generate a constant stream of business leads for your business.
Are you looking for a new MLM business where you can create an alternative income stream?
If you are, click the link below to contact me on WhatsApp and we can have a chat.
Click here for WhatsApp chat
My working career
Back in the year 2010, I was working as a Human Resource Manager for an office equipment manufacturing company located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The following year I resigned from my job and got married to my husband.
The year after that, we had our first child.
2 years later, we had our second child.
In a blink of an eye, 6 years have gone by.
That was how long I became a full time housewife and mother.
As a woman, I believe in financial independence.
I don’t want to rely on my husband financially.
I also want to contribute to my family economically and financially.
In the year 2016, I decided to get back into employment.
Back then, I thought since I was a HR Manager at my previous company, I could at least get a new job as a HR Manager.
But how wrong I was!
I sent out more than 90 resumes and went on 7 job interviews and none of the companies wanted to hire me.
What was the reason for all the rejections?
It was the 6 years of gap of not working in my employment record.
The interviewers felt that I might not be up to date with the latest HR matters in Malaysia therefore they rejected me.
To be honest, it was very hard for me to accept all the rejections.
I was desperate and even considered taking a HR Executive posting if it was offered to me.
Searching for opportunity
After my unsuccessful attempt trying to get back into employment, I decided to start my own home based business.
Back then, I thought to myself, “What business should I start?“.
That question lead me to actively looking for home business opportunities online.
My lucky break came in November 2017 when I was introduced to my current business mentor and coach.
Her name is Cyndy and she is also a housewife like myself.
Cyndy has been building her network marketing business together with her husband and they have reached the highest level in the BE business in just 17 months!
From Cyndy’s coaching and guidance, I realised that I should not be doing everything by myself.
I was advised by Cyndy to partner with a company that can provide me a system to support my home business.
That was when I was introduced the BE International business opportunity.
Back then, I have never heard of the company before and there were a lot of questions floating in my head.
Is BE International a pyramid scheme?
What does the company do?
Who are the company’s founders?
It is even a legal company?
To be honest, when I was first introduced to the BE International business opportunity, one of my main concern was, is it a pyramid scheme?
Again to be honest, I am not really sure what a pyramid scheme looks like.
All I know is, it is bad and people loose money when they get into it.
I wasn’t going to be sucked into such an illegal scheme.
I wanted to be sure therefore I did some background research on the company.
The first thing I wanted to know is whether BE International has a license to operate a business in Malaysia.
Doing my research
In this section, I will share with you some of the initial research I did before joining the company.
Does BE International has a license to operate a direct selling business in Malaysia?
I set out to find the answer.
How do you find the company’s Malaysia direct selling license number?
The direct selling license number is published on the company’s website if you know where to look.
In fact, it was listed on BE International corporate website Contact Us page.

Above is a screen capture of the Contact Us page.
BE International direct selling number was listed next to the company’s registration number.
It’s direct selling license number is AJL932172.
Next, I checked the validity of the company’s direct selling license with the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living or Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Dan Kos Sara Hidup (KPDN).
KPDN has a web page for you to check the license validity of all direct selling companies in Malaysia.

I did a search on the direct selling license number and lo and behold, the company holding the license is BE International Marketing Sdn. Bhd.
The license was issued on 8/7/2019 and is still valid up to date.
My online research above has verified that BE International is not a pyramid scheme, rather it is a legitimate company with a valid direct selling license from the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs of Malaysia.
BE International being a Malaysian company has it’s global aspiration.
The company is also a member of reputable direct selling associations such as:
- Direct Selling Association of Malaysia (DSAM)
- Direct Selling Association of Singapore (DSAS)
- Indonesian Direct Selling Association (APLI)

The above is an official statement from BE International.
Trying the Aulora Pants
After I’ve verified BE International is a legit company, I started to do my research on the products of the company.
There were quite a number of product offered but my focus was on the company’s core product which is the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi from Japan.
When I was doing my research, I was amazed that the Aulora Pants can provide so many health benefits to the user.
However, all I wanted was something to help relieve my back pain and leg cramps.
Can the Aulora Pants help to relieve bodily pain?
The person that introduced the Aulora Pants to me said the pants can definitely help.
I was naïve enough to trust a stranger I got to know from Facebook and everything turned out just fine.
The pants did help to relieve my back pain and leg cramps after 2 weeks of wearing it.
My positive results after trying the Aulora Pants gave me some confidence on the product and also on the company.

Above is a picture of me wearing my Aulora Pants.
My initial objective of building my MLM business was very simple.
All I wanted was to make a few hundred ringgit monthly for myself.
I wasn’t working back then because I was a full time housewife and I wanted an income source for myself.
When I was shown the BE International marketing and commission plan, Cyndy told me I could make upwards of RM10K to RM20K per month from the business.
How is that possible?
How many pair of the Aulora Pants I have to sell in order to make that amount of money?
I truly believed Cyndy was overselling the opportunity to me.
There is no way anyone could be making a 5 figure income from selling women’s legging.
To be more realistic, my expectation was to make around RM1,000 commission per month and I will be very happy.
Do you want to know what happened from then on?
Yes, I was stupid for not believing I could be making 5 figure income per month from the business.
After about 9 months working very hard in the business, I did not make RM1,000 per month from the business, I was actually making 5 figure per month from it.
As per the strict BE IBO rules and regulation, I am not allow to disclose my business income to the public. If you want prove, we can chat privately.
Why Aulora Pants?
The content in this section is meant for those who are keen to start a network marketing / multi level marketing (MLM) business using the Aulora Pants as their core product.
Why so much focus on the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi?
Please allow me to explain.
If you are planning to start a network marketing business, one of your biggest challenge is to figure out what is the ideal product to sell.
Choosing the right product is the cornerstone to your MLM business success.
When you chose the right product, it will lead you making sale and recruit new distributors into your network.
When your product selection is wrong, it is unlikely you will make any sale or enroll anyone into your business.
If you have never build a MLM business before, can you see how product selection is such a big challenge?
How do you to choose the right product?
In this section, I will share with you a concept call The Blue Ocean Strategy.
The Blue Ocean Strategy is a popular business and marketing book written by Renée Mauborgne and W. Chan Kim.

I will explain the ideas in the book in the form of a story.
There were 2 good friends name Michael and Jeffry.
Both Michael and Jeffry went to the same primary school, secondary school and college together.
When Michael and Jeffrey graduated from college with their diploma at hand, they have the aspiration to start their own business.
Both have some saving in their bank account because they worked part time when they were studying in college.
Michael took out all his saving and started to look for product to sell for his business.
He wanted to sell smartphone accessories because everyone has at least one such device at hand therefore the market is huge.
He decided to to buy the smartphone accessories in bulk from China and sell it locally with a profit.
What Michael has done trying to sell smartphone accessories is equivalent to trying to fish in a Red Ocean.

The characteristics of a red ocean are:
- Compete in an existing market space
- Beat the competition
- Exploit existing demand
- Make the value-cost trade-off
- Align the whole system of a firm’s activities with its strategic choice of differentiation or low cost
The fact is, it is unlikely Michael will succeed in his business due to the nature of red ocean where the competition is very stiff and the only way for him to differentiate with his competitor is to reduce his product selling price.
By being cheaper than his competitor, he will slowly but surely bleed his business until he cannot sustain it anymore.
The blood of every business in the water is turning it red…thus the name Red Ocean.
Is there a better approach to choosing product for a business?
That was what Jeffry thought to himself after seeing the bad experience Michael had with his business.
A better approach to selecting a product is using The Blue Ocean Strategy.

What are the characteristic of a blue ocean?
The characteristics are:
- Create uncontested market space
- Make the competition irrelevant
- Create and capture new demand
- Break the value-cost trade-off
- Align the whole system of a firm’s activities in pursuit of differentiation and low cost
For a better understanding of The Blue Ocean Strategy, check out the 2 minutes video below by Harvard Business Review.
In the video above, it highlighted a case study on Cirque du Soleil using The Blue Ocean Strategy to grow and excel in an industry with limited growth potential.
A compelling aspect of Cirque du Soleil’s success is that it did not win by taking customers from the already shrinking circus industry, which historically catered to children. Instead it created uncontested market space that made the competition irrelevant.
Jeffry realised that to be successful in his business, he has to avoid the red ocean at all cost.
Instead, he has to find a product which is in the blue oceans of uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant.
How do you find a Blue Ocean product?
The good news is, BE International already has a blue ocean product which is the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi.
The blue ocean product
Before BE International launched the Aulora Pants in Malaysia back in August 2017, there were no far infrared ray (FIR) emitting health and wellness compression pants brand in the market.
BE International created a new FIR emitting pants product category making competition irrelevant.
When you partnered with BE International to build a network marketing business, you automatically have a business system with a hot selling blue ocean product line.
As an added benefit, your market is not limited to Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Hong Kong and Indonesia, rather you can sell the Aulora Pants to the whole world.
For example, most of my customers are within the South East Asian region.
However, I do have customers that bought the Aulora Pants from Australia, New Zealand, United States of America, Canada, Netherland, Sweden etc.
What I did was use international courier service to deliver the Aulora Pants to my oversea buyers.
Since the Aulora Pants is a type of garment, it does not encounter any issues going through custom of the respective countries.
Business opportunity
One of the benefits of registering as a member of BE International is a business opportunity.
If you are not looking for any business opportunity right now, probably this will not interest you.
But if you are currently in the midst of exploring part time business option to create an alternative income stream, you may want to take a closer look at what BE International has to offer.
In any business, there are 2 ways for you to generate revenue. You can sell either:
- A service that someone will pay you to do
- A product that someone will pay you to get
Which is a better option?
Personally, I would recommend you sell a product because it is easier and you have more time leverage.
If you were to choose a product for your business, you would need an entry product for your business.
An entry product is the product that will generate the most revenue for your business.
For me, the entry product for my business is the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi.
Why the Aulora Pants?
It’s simple really.
I’ve chosen the Aulora Pants as my entry product because:
- Everybody needs good blood circulation
- It’s a product that you don’t have to consume into your body
- It’s a wearable technology
- No limitation for international market
By choosing the Aulora Pants as my business entry product, I’ve decided to partner with BE International because they are the exclusive owner of the Aulora Pants brand.
What are the benefits when you’ve partnered with BE International as one of its Independent Business Owner (IBO)?
Firstly, BE International has already invested heavily on Research & Development (R & D), production and market testing in order to produce a product that has a high demand in the market.
In fact, the demand for the Aulora Pants is so high sometimes the company do not have sufficient stock to fulfil all the orders.

The above are pictures showing fans of the Aulora Pants queuing during the launching of the Aulora Pants Exclusive Collection at Aloft Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
Next, BE International has invested heavily on brand awareness and brand positioning of the Aulora Pants.
BE does this by purchasing high visibility outdoor media such as highway billboards and also wrappings on Light Rapid Transit (LRT) train.

Above is a picture of the Aulora Pants advertisement next to a high traffic outdoor billboard.

The above are pictures of BE International product advertisement wrappings in a Light Rapid Transit (LRT) train.
BE International is also a company that gives back to the society.
The founders of the company are active in the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.

The pictures above are the contribution back to the society through BE International CSR program.
Most people do not know that the direct selling industry in Malaysia is very BIG.
For the year 2020, Malaysia direct selling industry has a turnover of USD 6.97 Billion as per the data from the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA).
The size of the Malaysia direct selling market is ranked number 7 in the world and number 1 in South East Asia.
Though direct selling is huge in Malaysia, but it is very important to choose the right direct selling company.
How to choose the right direct selling company to partner with?
When choosing the right direct selling company, make sure the company has the Akta Jualan Langsung (AJL) or Direct Selling Act business license.
Next, make sure the company is a member of the Direct Selling Association of Malaysia (DSAM).
As a member of DSAM, the company has to follow DSAM Code of Conduct that has been endorsed by the Malaysia Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs in order to create fair and ethical direct sales practices in the country.
Why BE International is the right company for people that want to build a network marketing business?
BE is the right company because it has the AJL license to operate a direct selling business in Malaysia and the company is a member of DSAM.

BE International is also a member of the Direct Selling Association of Singapore (DSAS) and Asosiasi Penjualan Langsung Indonesia (APLI).
There are many direct selling companies in Malaysia that has the AJL license and is a member of DSAM, but what makes BE International different from the others?
BE International is different due to the active involvement and commitment of the company’s founders which are Ir Lee Suet Sen and Ho Huey Chuin.
The active involvement and commitment of the founders can be seen during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period in Malaysia which started in March 2020.

Above are the Facebook posts from BE founders during MCO in 2020.

Above is Ir Lee Suet Sen’s commitment, “We Will Not Let Your Down” and “We Will Bring You Up” to all BE International Independent Business Owners.
Due to the active involvement and commitment of the founders, BE International business grew faster during the MCO period.
In summary
There you have it, I’ve tried my best explaining why the building a network marketing business using the Aulora Pants as your core product is a golden business opportunity.
Do you know why smart people are silly enough to build a multi level marketing (MLM) business by leveraging on the BE International “Golden” Opportunity which is the Aulora Pants?
The reason they do it is because their current profession is not helping them to achieve the dream life that they always wanted.
They saw something in BE International business opportunity…a glimmer of hope for something better.
Thank you for reading this article and I hope it was helpful for you.
Please take some time to read the disclaimer page of this blog
The information above is for educational purposes only.
What worked for me may or may not work for you.
Join our team
Are you thinking of building the BE business?
If you are, having a mentor that has already successfully built the BE business to guide you will help you to start making money and grow your network faster.
This month, my mentor, Cyndy and I are going to start a new team.

Above is a picture of me and my BE business mentor, Cyndy.
Cyndy and I will personally provide mentoring, coaching and training for this new team members.
Because we want to provide our full focus on this new team, I will personally sponsor only one new member as my frontline.
If you are interested to be part of our new team, click the link below to apply via WhatsApp.
Hello. I am an IT consultant. Can I know anyone in the IT industry successful building a BE business? Thanks in advance.
Hi Ruben. You can check out the story of Elaiyakumaran. He used to be an IT consultant and now a top leader with BE International => Elaiyakumaran’s Journey with BE.