Building Your BE International Business With Social Media

Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Will & Lynn

The above is a picture and my husband, Will and I when we visited Universal Studio at Osaka, Japan.

Our trip to Osaka was fully sponsored by BE International through the BE Lifestyle Travel sales campaign that we’ve qualified and got 2 tickets.

Free international travel twice a year is one of the many benefits when you are building a network marketing business by partnering with BE International.

What is our story with BE?

Our introduction to BE began back in December 2017 when I signed up as a BE member to buy the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi.

It was only in March 2018 that we’ve decided to be serious in building a business using the business opportunity provided by BE.

As of today, our BE business is now our full time career.

In this article, I will be sharing my thoughts on using social media to build the BE business.

Lately, a lot of BE Independent Business Owners (IBO) have been relying on social media to grow their business.

Should you rely purely on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok etc to generate traffic to your network marketing / Multi level marketing (MLM) business?

Surfing social media

Starting an online business in Malaysia is not really difficult.

You can actually go to Shopify right now to sign up for an account.

By doing so, you can now have a website with blogging and e-commerce features enabled.

You can now upload the pictures of the product you want to sell with the price and description on your website.

Your online business is now open for business.

But now you have one big challenge, you don’t have anyone coming to your site.

Many new MLM business owners have the same issue.

They are open for business, buy no one knows about it.

You can go on the internet to search for ways to generate traffic for your site and one of the most common strategy is to use social media.

In Malaysia, the most popular social media channels are Facebook and Instagram.

There were 25,760,000 Facebook users in Malaysia in March 2020, which accounted for 77% of its entire population..

It is fair to say if you are planning to use social media marketing strategy, you should be focusing on Facebook.

Do you know that doing social media sales through Facebook and Instagram is a big thing in Thailand?

Creative entrepreneur are promoting items from dried shrimp to fake eye lashes on Facebook Live. To read this about it, click here.

Most new home business owners will start to create a Facebook page promoting their online business.

They will also create an Instagram account and start posting pictures about their products.

To be honest, if you put in consistent effort promoting your MLM business on social media through Facebook, TikTok and Instagram, sooner or later you will start to get referral traffic to your web site.

After a while, your Facebook page and posts will be indexed by search engine and you will get more exposure from Google.

You will start to receive organic search traffic to your Facebook page and the traffic will trickle down to your web page.

You will also start to gather followers on Instagram and that will also create exposure to your home business.

Soon you will start to generate sales and recruit downlines from your website.

Congratulation! Your social media marketing effort has paid off.

Most network marketing business owner when they reached this stage is to double down on their effort.

They will start to share more posts on their FB page, post more pictures and start doing Facebook Live promoting their product and business opportunity.

Since the social media marketing strategy is working, it only makes sense to do more of it.

The more effort you put in, the more sales you’ll make.

The question that I want to ask network marketers that use online marketing, “Should you rely purely on social media to generate traffic to your MLM business website?”

The answer is NO, you should not rely purely on traffic from social media.

Reason being, the traffic coming from social media rely on an algorithm.

An algorithm is made of a complex field of formulas.

Any changes on the algorithm will affect how your content is being featured on the social media platform.

What would be a better approach?

A better approach to generate traffic to your website is through blogging and build up your personal branding.

How do you brand yourself?

If you are in the MLM industry, I would suggest you brand yourself as a professional network marketer.

Doing so, you will attract people who are building a MLM business via Attraction Marketing.

Thank you for reading this article and I hope it was helpful for you.

Note: As a disclaimer, the content above is for educational purposes only.

If you did not find the answer you are looking for, please do your own further due diligence.

If you have questions, click the link below to message me on my WhatsApp and I will assist you.

Click here for WhatsApp chat

By | 2024-09-09T10:31:53+08:00 September 8th, 2024|Sharing|4 Comments

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  1. Georgia 18/04/2021 at 1:18 pm - Reply

    How do I do Facebook Live to grow my network marketing business?

    • Lynn 18/04/2021 at 4:07 pm - Reply

      Hi Georgia. Thanks for you comment. To do effective Facebook Live, my suggestion is to just do it and learn from your experience.

  2. Brenda Ong 20/04/2021 at 9:22 pm - Reply

    How do I use Facebook to build MLM business. TQ

    • Lynn 20/04/2021 at 9:41 pm - Reply

      Hi Brenda. Thanks for your comment. Before you decide to use Facebook to build a MLM business, make sure you join the right company. Joining the right MLM company is already half way to success.

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