How to buy Belixz Shiruto from Japan by BE International in Brunei?
What is Shiruto selling price in Brunei and how to buy it online and have it delivered to your Brunei address?
In this article, I will provide the answer to the above questions.
Firstly, thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn.

Above is a picture of me with a box of Belixz Shiruto from BE International.
My husband I have been building our network marketing business using the BE International business opportunity since March 2018.
We did quite well in the business and now it is our full time career.
The BE International business opportunity has a wide range of health and wellness product.
One of the top selling functional food product is the Belixz Shiruto which is fully made and imported from Japan.
What is Belixz Shiruto?
Shiruto is a type of functional food specifically for our immune system made and imported from Japan.
Belixz Shiruto exclusive brand owner is BE International.
BE International is a licensed direct selling company based in Malaysia.
The company also has its international branch office and distribution channel in Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Brunei as well.
BE International being a Malaysia based company with global aspiration is a member of reputable direct selling industry association such as:
- Direct Selling Association of Malaysia (DSAM)
- Direct Selling Association of Singapore (DSAS)
- Indonesian Direct Selling Association (APLI)
- Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA)

The above is an official notice issued by BE International.
The company’s Brunei business operation is registered under BE International Marketing (B) Sdn. Bhd. with its company registration number RC20003059.
The launch of Shiruto
Belixz Shiruto was launched in Malaysia back in January 2019.
As of today, Shiruto has been very well received in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and yes, in Brunei also.
The product has become one of the top selling functional food product from BE International.
Shiruto has also won an award from the Malaysia Health and Wellness Brand Awards 2019 for the Nutrition Supplement category.

How much is the Belixz Shiruto selling price in Brunei Darussalam?
To know the Retail Price of Shiruto in Brunei, you can check out BE International corporate website Shiruto product page.
Most people do not know, Shiruto may be a new brand, however, the active ingredient in the product which is IP-PA1, has been discovered in Japan for more than 30 years.
In fact, the discovery of IP-PA1 receptors that appeared in macrophages was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 2011.
To learn more about Shiruto, you can read the article below.
[Shiruto By BE International Review – Vitamins For Your Immune System]
Buying Shiruto in Brunei
Since BE International has its operation in Brunei, you can now register as a member and buy Shiruto direct from the company.
When you placed your Shiruto order online, the company will arrange for the delivery of your parcel straight to your door step.
You can register a member account and place your Shiruto order using BE International self service platform.

Above is a screen capture of BE International self service platform.
All you have to do is click the “Join Now” button to begin the member registration process.
However, in order for you to access the self service platform, you would need a sponsor to share with you the web page address.
Why do you need a sponsor?
The role of a sponsor is to provide Customer Service to you.
If you have any question in regards to Belixz Shiruto or any product from BE International, your sponsor will be your main contact person.
If you encounter any issue during your member registration or product ordering process, your sponsor will be there to help you.
After you have registered a member account and received your member ID number, you can now download BE International custom mobile application known as BE4U.
The picture below is a screen capture of the BE4U mobile application for Android and Apple iOS.
The app can be downloaded for free from Google Playstore, Huawei AppGallery and Apple Appstore.

You can use the BE4U application to check the status of your order.
As a BE member, all the orders made using the BE4U app will be delivered to your Brunei address using courier service.
To learn more on the member’s benefits, please check out the article below.
[7 Benefits Of Becoming a Member of BE International]
What are the Shiruto packages available:
The packages available for BE member are:
- Single box purchase plus delivery charge
- Buy 8 boxes of Shiruto and free 1 box with free delivery within Brunei
- Buy 16 boxes of Shiruto and free 3 boxes with free delivery within Brunei

Above is a screen capture of the Shiruto multiple box packages in Brunei.
Online marketplaces
A lot of my blog readers have asked me how come there are seller on 3rd party online marketplaces selling Shiruto at such a low price?
The answer is simple, the sellers are selling fake or imitation Shiruto!
BE International has never authorised anyone to sell Shiruto on 3rd party online marketplaces such as Lazada, Shopee, Qoo10 etc.
Due to the popularity of Shiruto, many irresponsible people are trying to cash in on the situation.
The reason Shiruto on 3rd party online marketplaces are so cheap is because it is fake.
On August 2021, BE International has issued a notice below.

You can read the notice on BE International official Facebook page here.
BE International have received many complains from the public in regards to cheap Shiruto listings on online marketplaces.
BE management took some time to gather information and evidence to build up a case.
Now it has been confirmed, there are people selling fake Shiruto in the market.
Subsequently, BE International has made a police report and issued legal notice to the 3rd party online marketplaces to take down all of the company’s product.
If you see anyone selling BE’s product on online platform, be very careful because you may be unknowingly buying fake product.
Don’t take the risk!
It is not worth buying cheap Shiruto from online marketplaces because you do not know what is inside the content.
Register as a member and purchase Shiruto direct from BE International.
Thank you for reading this article and I hope it was helpful for you.
If you have any question, please click the link below to contact me on WhatsApp and I will assist you.
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