BE International has a good selection of slimming, health and wellness product.
The product ranges from the award winning Aulora Pants and Aulora Socks with Kodenshi from Japan, Befil heart health formulation from United States of America (USA), Shiruto vitamin from Japan, Belixz SlendGlow botanical extract for weight management from Japan, skin care solution and many more.
Whenever I share the price list to a prospect, usually they will ask, what are those BV and SV numbers under each product column?

Above is the price list of the Aulora Pants.
As you can see, it comes in different sizes with its individual product code.
There are 2 prices for the pants, the Retail Price in RP (RM) and member’s price in DP (RM).
Under each product, there are the BV and SV numbers.
The SV numbers are actually used to calculate the Personal Purchase Rebates.
The rebates can be accumulated and does not expire as long as your membership is active.
The rebate scales are as follow:
- 1 – 3,999 SV – 5%
- 4,000 – 7,999 SV – 8%
- 8,000 – 11,999 SV – 11%
- >12,000 SV – 15%
The main purpose for the personal purchase rebates is to reward members for being a regular customer.
When you purchase more of BE’s product, you will accumulate higher SV points therefore you will get to enjoy higher rebates.
How about the BV points?
The BV points are meant for those that are building a home business using the BE business opportunity.
If you didn’t know, the BE business has 9 types of bonuses / benefits.

Out of all the 9 bonuses, my personal favourite are the Car Fund and House Fund.
These 2 bonuses are passive income in nature.
Thank you for reading this article.
Hopefully now you know what the BV and SV numbers stood for.
My name is Thomas and I am an engineer. May I know any engineer successful in the BE International business?
Hi Thomas. You can check out the story of Cheong Chee Ann. He was engineering graduate and now is one of the top leaders with BE International => Chee Ann’s journey with BE