Email & Phone Number For BE International Membership Needed

Thank you for visiting Mommy Lynn Blog. My name is Lynn and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mommy Lynn Hong Kong

The above is a picture and my husband, Will and I when we visited Hong Kong.

Our trip to Hong Kong was fully sponsored by BE International through the BE Lifestyle Travel sales campaign that we’ve qualified and got 2 tickets.

Free international travel twice a year is one of the many benefits when you are building a network marketing business by partnering with BE International.

What is our story with BE?

Our introduction to BE began back in December 2017 through the Aulora Pants with Kodenshi.

It was only in March 2018 that we’ve decided to be serious in building a business using the business opportunity provided by BE as its Independent Business Owner (IBO).

As of today, our BE business is now our full time career.

Member registration process

If you want to buy product from BE or you want to be one of its IBOs, everything begins with the member registration process.

In the following section, I will be sharing the process to register as a member of BE International.

More specifically, I will be sharing why you need to enter your telephone number and email address when signing up as a BE member.

Check out the video below on how to do BE member registration.

Firstly, in order to register as a BE Malaysia member, you will need a sponsor.

The role of a sponsor is to provide customer service to you and help to answer any of your questions in regards to the product from BE.

Your sponsor will share with you the member registration link.

The BE member registration process begin my entering your identity card number and going through the Electronic Know Your Customer or EKYC.

Why do you need to perform EKYC in order to register a BE member account?

BE International EKYC

As per the above poster, the BE International member registration EKYC process benefits can be explained as S-E-C-U-R-E.

S – Safe and swift

E – Enhanced security and efficiency

C – Convenience

U – User-friendly interface

R – Regulatory compliance

E – Environmentally friendly

After you’ve taken the picture of your physical identity card front and back, you would have to wait a few minutes for the computer system to verify your personal information such as your full name, identity card number and registered address.

After your personal information has been verified, you will need to enter 2 other information which are not listed on your identity card which are your:

  • Phone number
  • Email address

Why does the BE member registration process needs the above information?

The reason you need to key in your phone number and email address is for direct communication purposes.

The phone number you’ve entered will be your default contact number for your BE member account.

BE customer service agent will call the number if they need to get in touch with you.

The phone number will also be used as the primary contact number by the courier service agent when delivery your product order.

When your BE membership is about to expire, the system will automatically send a SMS reminder to your phone number.

How about your email address?

Among the 2 communication channels, personally I think the email address is more important.

Reason being, after you’ve paid the member registration fee, you will receive a Welcome Email from BE International immediately.

Inside the email, you will find your BE member IBO Code and also the temporary password to access the BE member’s dashboard.

Inside the Welcome Email, you will also find links and instruction to download the BE4U app.

If you’ve entered an incorrect email address, you will not be able to receive the Welcome Email therefore you won’t be able to log into the member’s dashboard to order product.

If you’ve forgotten your log in password, the email address is also important to reset your password and e-pin.

The e-pin is needed to access your BE membership e-wallet function.

When you click on the Forgot Password link at the member’s log in page, the system will automatically send a new temporary password to your email so that you can reset your account password and e-pin.

What are the other usage of your email address?

When you’ve placed an order for BE’s product, you will receive your purchase invoice in PDF format on your email.

When your parcel is ready for delivery, you will also receive your parcel tracking number on your email.

Occasionally, you will also receive Flash Sales notification and Product Promotion Offers on your email.

Can you see how important your email is for your BE member account?

Therefore, make sure you enter a correct and valid email address during your BE membership sign up process.

That’s all for my sharing in this article.

I hope it was helpful for you.

Note: As a disclaimer, the content above is for educational purposes only.

If you did not find the answer you are looking for, please do your own further due diligence.

If you have questions, click the link below to message me on my WhatsApp and I will assist you.

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By | 2024-09-16T13:27:23+08:00 September 4th, 2024|Sharing|0 Comments

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